Advances in NMR have now made it possible to study the dynamics and structures of very large systems using several different selective labeling methods. Proteins can be labeled uniformly with carbon, nitrogen and deuterium and selectively by amino acid type, by simple expression in bacteria. Simple in vitro modifications can be used to paramagnetically label residues to gain access to long-range information. Segmental labeling by domain is another long-promised area that is finally becoming more generally applicable. However the potentially most powerful labeling method for high-resolution structure determination is still considered by many to be technically very challenging, namely stereo-array isotope labeling, known as SAIL. While this technique has been shown to open the road to automated structure determination of large systems routine application is still not a reality due to the high cost of the SAIL amino acids and the required optimization of cell-free protein expression. Luckily centers such as the Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics at UW Madison offer expertise and training in this technology.
Are many peope interested in this technique? Has anyone tried cell-free expression in their lab? Do you have a dream project that you would like to apply this technology too? As NMR spectroscopists we are very lucky to have such useful NMR-active isotopes but the size limitation can hold some projects back. If someone says “that is too big, NMR can’t do it.” I think we should say “Yes, we can!”. If it’s worth it of course!
[Nature network NMR forum] structure determination (0 replies)
structure determination (0 replies)
Hi every body,
My problem is to predict the structure of unknown compound by using spectral analysis; NMR, IR, UV, Mass spectra and elemental analysis.
Can anyone help me?
For help, contact me on my mail;
News from other NMR forums
03-15-2011 05:56 AM
[Nature network NMR forum] structure determination (0 replies)
structure determination (0 replies)
Hi every body,
I’m having a LOT of trouble determining this organic compound, and I have no idea how I am able to solve it by using the 5 types of spectroscopy. Mass, IR,UV, H NMR and elemental analysis.
Mass spectrum
News from other NMR forums
03-14-2011 05:44 PM
[Nature network NMR forum] Need some C13 labeled glucose...pls help? (0 replies)
Need some C13 labeled glucose...pls help? (0 replies)
Dear Friends,
I am a graduate student pursuing Phd. I do a lot of NMR experiments. But unfortunately my professor has ran out of grants and hence it’s difficult for us to buy certain materials for experiment. I would like to request if anybody of you can provide me C-13 labeled glucose (3 grams) for my experiment. I very badly need it to finish my experiment and get my degree. Please help me:(
News from other NMR forums
11-21-2010 06:47 AM
[Nature network NMR forum] HCCH-TOCSY (0 replies)
HCCH-TOCSY (0 replies)
Hello everybody,
I am a biologist who has jumped into NMR :(
I hope this is an active forum so that I can improve myself and can help someday to others.
I have a very stupid question!!! Do you know if I can see some HN peaks correlated with C-beta in HCCH-TOCSY?
News from other NMR forums
08-25-2010 02:58 AM
[Nature network NMR forum] NMR and MRI community (0 replies)
NMR and MRI community (0 replies)
Hi ALl
Here is a Chinese NMR, MRI and EPR community. Most are in Chinese, some in English.
the Chinese NMR wiki
News from other NMR forums
08-21-2010 03:29 PM
[Nature network NMR forum] ResearchGATE (3 replies)
ResearchGATE (3 replies)
ResearchGATE is a new internet resource for connecting scientists and helping to develop collaborations and share resources and data. They have even promised a biomolecular NMR group!
Visit and sign up here
News from other NMR forums
08-21-2010 03:29 PM
[Nature network NMR forum] NMR Wiki (0 replies)
NMR Wiki (0 replies)
I’ve just found this forum and decided to post a message about NMR Wiki ( – The Open NMR Project.
Users of NMR Wiki can:
*search and update the pulse sequence database
*create pulse sequence images from wiki text
*read and write about theory and practice of spectroscopy, your software and anything else relevant to Magnetic Resonance
*insert and cite bibliography in the style of real papers
News from other NMR forums
08-21-2010 03:29 PM
[Nature network NMR forum] NMR in plasma (6 replies)
NMR in plasma (6 replies)
In a previous post on this forum I mentioned that there were some neat methods for doing in-cell nmr.
I have been wondering since then whether any of you had tried just adding stable-isotope-labeled proteins to plasma. Would the results of such an experiment be interesting?
If you know of a paper that describes the results of this, would you please let me know – my PubMed searches have not been fruitful so far.