I am an undergraduate student who is doing a chemistry/computing project. I have chosen to write a simple C program that can import NMR data from commercial spectrometer software into a common format. The scope of my project is restricted to "1D Proton" as time is limited. I'm not sure if the code is going to get used for anything later (I doubt it) and I am not intending to do anything with my work other than get a good grade!
I have a question that relates to the phase correction parameters present in Bruker and Varian datasets: are the 'rp'/'PHC0' & 'lp'/'PHC1' parameters correlated in some way? I understand from a Varian manual that 'rp' is the zero order correction value and that the frequency-dependent 'lp' value is applied to each point in the spectrum such that the "pivot point" is at the right-hand edge.
I have been trying to work this out empirically by importing a Varian data set into our lab's copy of TopSpin 2.1 using the 'vconv' command. But my results don't seem to make any consistent sense, and I'm hoping that someone here can point me in the right direction. Most times the value of 'rp' is simply "inverted" when I look at 'PHC0'. So, rp=35 will become PHC0=-35. However, I cannot see the relationship for 'lp'/'PHC1'. Only when lp=0 does PHC1=0. Other times the numbers are wildly different to each other. Can anyone explain what I am seeing?
Thanks a bunch if you can help, Jean
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