Dear nmrPipe users, * We just installed a new Bruker 700 with NUS package. A user collected a 3D data set, but could not process the data since the MDD
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hello Frank: Thank you for your attention. Initially the conversion did not work because the data was damaged during FTP transfer. After I told him to transfer
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
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04-11-2012 03:47 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hi Frank, The "bruker" command in the version of NMRPipe that I'm currently using finds these values correctly. I meant that I had to adjust the existing
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-11-2012 03:47 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hi Michelle, Thanks for contributing to the NMRPipe group ... When using the NMRPipe "bruker" command, I wouldn't usually expect that any manual adjustment
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-10-2012 03:03 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hi Weixing, I can confirm that NMRDraw version 6.5 Rev 2012.009.14.35 (not the newest version) works with TopSpin 3.0 data. I believe I had to adjust the
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-10-2012 03:03 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hi Weixing, I can confirm that NMRDraw version 6.5 Rev 2012.009.14.35 (not the newest version) works with TopSpin 3.0 data. I believe I had to adjust the
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-10-2012 03:03 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Re: How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hi Weixing ... Did the conversion produce an error message? Or did it simply result in a spectrum that didn't look as expected? If the conversion produced an
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-10-2012 02:44 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
How to convert TopSpin3.0 2D data to nmrPipe for processing?
Hello: A postdoc tried to convert Bruker TopSpin3.0 2D HSQC to nmrPipe for processing, but he could not convert the data.* Would you please tell me a correct
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
04-10-2012 02:44 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] data processing by nmrPipe
data processing by nmrPipe
Hi all,I am very new to nmrPipe. I want to achieve the following steps. It would be very kind if somebody helps.(1) I have a 2D bruker data (t2= 4k points, t1= 32 points) and I want to do Fourier transform in the F2 dimension,phase etc. (2) and then extract the 32 spectra as 1Ds and also convert these 32 spectra in ascii format.(3) fit the peaks with a gaussian or Lorentzian function.(4) integrate the peak and save the integrals and time points as an ascii file.I only managed till the 1st step.Please help..!!
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