Hi all,My question is about the Multiple Display (.md) function on TopSpin (Bruker AVIII).I did some 'popt' ( parameter optimization ) experiments, and the optimization is stored in PROCNO 999.
My problem is when I tried to compare two different experiments of 'popt optimization', using the comand Multiple Display. When I do this for two procno 999 with another procno 999 of other experiment , I obtain a visualization, like showed above:
popt 1 Amplitude: _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _
popt 2 Amplitude: _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _ | _
the problem is that the amplitudes in this mode are not correct displayed, making me confused in my analysis. (When I export the data (convbin2asc) and visualize both in other software, it display with right amplitude!!)
Does anyone knows if comparing 'popt' experiments, using Multiple Display command has any problem in the amplitude comparison?Thank you very much,
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