Unraveling the core-shell structure of ligand-capped Sn/SnOx nanoparticles by surface-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance, Mossbauer, and X-ray absorption spectroscopies
Unraveling the core-shell structure of ligand-capped Sn/SnOx nanoparticles by surface-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance, Mossbauer, and X-ray absorption spectroscopies
Protesescu, L., et al., Unraveling the core-shell structure of ligand-capped Sn/SnOx nanoparticles by surface-enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance, Mossbauer, and X-ray absorption spectroscopies. ACS Nano, 2014. 8(3): p. 2639-48.
A particularly difficult challenge in the chemistry of nanomaterials is the detailed structural and chemical analysis of multicomponent nano-objects. This is especially true for the determination of spatially resolved information. In this study, we demonstrate that dynamic nuclear polarization surface-enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy (DNP-SENS), which provides selective and enhanced NMR signal collection from the (near) surface regions of a sample, can be used to resolve the core-shell structure of a nanoparticle. Li-ion anode materials, monodisperse 10-20 nm large tin nanoparticles covered with a approximately 3 nm thick layer of native oxides, were used in this case study. DNP-SENS selectively enhanced the weak 119Sn NMR signal of the amorphous surface SnO2 layer. Mossbauer and X-ray absorption spectroscopies identified a subsurface SnO phase and quantified the atomic fractions of both oxides. Finally, temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction measurements were used to probe the metallic beta-Sn core and indicated that even after 8 months of storage at 255 K there are no signs of conversion of the metallic beta-Sn core into a brittle semiconducting alpha-phase, a phase transition which normally occurs in bulk tin at 286 K (13 degrees C). Taken together, these results indicate that Sn/SnOx nanoparticles have core/shell1/shell2 structure of Sn/SnO/SnO2 phases. The study suggests that DNP-SENS experiments can be carried on many types of uniform colloidal nanomaterials containing NMR-active nuclei, in the presence of either hydrophilic (ion-capped surfaces) or hydrophobic (capping ligands with long hydrocarbon chains) surface functionalities.
Untanglingthe Condensation Network of Organosiloxaneson Nanoparticles using 2D 29Si–29Si Solid-StateNMR Enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Untanglingthe Condensation Network of Organosiloxaneson Nanoparticles using 2D 29Si–29Si Solid-StateNMR Enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Daniel Lee, Guillaume Monin, Nghia Tuan Duong, Isabel Zamanillo Lopez, Michel Bardet, Vincent Mareau, Laurent Gonon and Gae?l De Pae?pe
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja506688m
Surface Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Surface Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Anne Lesage, Moreno Lelli, David Gajan, Marc A. Caporini, Veronika Vitzthum, Pascal Mie?ville, Johan Alauzun, Arthur Roussey, Chloe? Thieuleux, Ahmad Medhi, Geoffrey Bodenhausen, Christophe Cope?ret and Lyndon Emsley
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja104771z