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nmrlearner 09-08-2011 08:24 AM

MOOT XXIV - third announcement
MOOT XXIV - third announcement

Dear Colleagues,

A reminder that online registration is now open for the MOOT XXIV NMR Symposium which will be taking place October 22nd-23rd (2011) in Toronto, Ontario, hosted at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto. Details are available on the conference website,

The abstract submission deadline for this year's MOOT is 23 September, and abstracts for both oral and poster presentations can be submitted online during the registration process.

Agilent Technologies will be holding a day long symposium and mixer the day before this year's MOOT (Oct. 21). More information regarding the agenda and location for this symposium will be posted soon at

We have arranged conference pricing for accomodation downtown at the Delta Chelsea hotel near the Hospital for Sick Children, as well as discounted airfares through Porter Airlines (serving Toronto Island airport). Please see the "Travel" section of for more details!

If you have any questions or comments, please send a message to (mootnmr "at", or contact Simon Sharpe (ssharpe "at"

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Sharpe lab - Molecular Structure and Function Programme, Hospital for Sick Children / Dept. of Biochemistry, U. Toronto

Read complete story on NMR900 blog

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