Post Doc low field NMR
Post Doc low field NMR
Post-Doc Position at CEA-Saclay (Paris) in low-field NMR
A one-year post-doctoral position is available to join the group of Dr. Dimitris Sakellariou at the Laboratory of Structure and Dynamics by Magnetic Resonance at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission of Saclay in Paris. Our focus is primarily directed at developing low-field (0.5 to 2.5 Tesla) NMR spectroscopic applications. The project is funded by the CEA for one year.
The net salary will be approximately 2000 - 2500 Euros/month (depending on the experience of the candidate).
[Stan NMR blog] Field shims headaches
Field shims headaches
Answering a question about magnetic field shim systems on NMR spectrometers ..
Source: Stan blog library
[Stan NMR blog] Field shims headaches
Field shims headaches
Answering a question about magnetic field shim systems on NMR spectrometers ...
Source: Stan blog library
News from NMR blogs
09-19-2010 05:43 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] How to determine physical orientation of X and Y shims?
How to determine physical orientation of X and Y shims?
Hello, I need to help solids lab at our UCI site - they have a custom probe and need to orient it properly in order to ease the shimming procedure.
My question is - how to determine orientation of X and Y shims?
We have 800 MHz 63 mm Oxford magnet (+ Varian UnityInova console)
News from other NMR forums
09-14-2010 03:44 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] How does removal and re-installation of probe affect shims?
How does removal and re-installation of probe affect shims?
If you remove and later (not too much later) reinstall the probe and you are confident that probe position inside the magnet does not change at all - would you expect the shim set to change?
Do eddy currents due to probe movement affect field homogeneity?