NMR Excitation, Dephasing and Spin Echoes
NMR Excitation, Dephasing and Spin Echoes
NMR Excitation, Dephasing and Spin Echoes
This short animation shows the process of NMR excitation in the laboratory and the rotating frame, as well as the dephasing that occurs from field inhomogeneity and the formation of the Hahn spin echo. Please credit (c)2010 Mark Cohen (mscohen@ucla.edu) during re-use.
http://gdata.youtube.com/static/images/icn_star_full_11x11.gif http://gdata.youtube.com/static/images/icn_star_full_11x11.gif...
NMR educational videos
01-29-2012 07:45 PM
On the measurement of 15N-{1H} nuclear Overhauser effects. 2. Effects of the saturati
On the measurement of 15N-{1H} nuclear Overhauser effects. 2. Effects of the saturation scheme and water signal suppression
Publication year: 2010
Source: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 24 September 2010</br>
Fabien, Ferrage , Amy, Reichel , Shibani, Battacharya , David, Cowburn , Ranajeet, Ghose</br>
Measurement of steady-state 15N-{1H} nuclear Overhauser effects forms a cornerstone of most methods to determine protein backbone dynamics from spin-relaxation data, since it is the most reliable probe of very fast motions on the ps-ns...
Journal club
09-25-2010 07:47 AM
[NMR paper] The effects of proteins on [Ca2+] measurement: different effects on fluorescent and N
The effects of proteins on measurement: different effects on fluorescent and NMR methods.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--linkinghub.elsevier.com-ihub-images-PubMedLink.gif Related Articles The effects of proteins on measurement: different effects on fluorescent and NMR methods.
Cell Calcium. 1996 Nov;20(5):425-30
Authors: Matsuda S, Kusuoka H, Hashimoto K, Tsujimura E, Nishimura T
Previous reports showed that the presence of proteins shifts the apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of a fluorescent dye indicator to...
Journal club
08-22-2010 02:20 PM
[U. of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog] Gradient Spin Echoes for Selective Excitation
Gradient Spin Echoes for Selective Excitation
Shaped excitation pulses can replace the non-selective hard pulses typically used in a one-pulse measurement to achieve selective excitation. Another method of achieving selective excitation is the gradient spin echo using a selective 180° pulse. This technique is demonstrated in the figure below. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5wBTR2kKTqA/S_UxeG5oXdI/AAAAAAAAAzc/BHWef-Tse7s/s400/grad_spin_echo.jpgA non-selective hard 90°x pulse is first given followed by a pair of identical pulsed field gradients sandwiching a soft selective 180° pulse about the y...
News from NMR blogs
08-21-2010 08:15 PM
[U. of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog] Hahn Echo for 11B Background Suppression in Solids
Hahn Echo for 11B Background Suppression in Solids
Solids NMR probes often contain boron rich parts near the coil in which the sample resides. Boron nitride, in particular, is a material very commonly used. This can be very problematic if one wishes to collect 11B NMR data, in that a strong background signal may be observed. Even though these parts are not directly inside the coil with the sample, they do experience a small amount of rf from the coil and the coil does detect a 11B NMR signal from them. One simple way to avoid this problem is to use a Hahn echo to observe the 11B spectrum....
[Stan NMR blog] Noise Figure and Equivalent Input Noise
Noise Figure and Equivalent Input Noise
An educational article about the definitions of - and the relation between - the two concepts.
News from NMR blogs
08-21-2010 06:14 PM
Introductory NMR & MRI: Video 06: Spin echoes, CPMG and T2 relaxation
Introductory NMR & MRI: Video 06: Spin echoes, CPMG and T2 relaxation
Introductory NMR & MRI: Video 06: Spin echoes, CPMG and T2 relaxation
Paul Callaghan gives an introduction to NMR and MRI. This is the 6th video of a 10 episode series produced by Magritek Ltd.
From: magritek
Views: 7207
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