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nmrlearner 08-22-2014 07:27 PM

Cross Polarization for Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
From The DNP-NMR Blog:

Cross Polarization for Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

Batel, M., et al., Cross Polarization for Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014.

Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in combination with subsequent dissolution of the sample allows the detection of low-???? nuclei in solution state with a signal gain of tens of thousands compared to experiments starting from Boltzmann conditions. The long polarization build-up times of typically more than one hour are a drawback of this technique. The combination of dissolution DNP with crosspolarization (CP) in the solid state was shown to have the potential to overcome this disadvantage. In this article we discuss the cross-polarization step under dissolution DNP conditions in more detail. We show that adiabatic half-passage pulses allow us to enhance the CP efficiency in power-limited DNP probes. As a low-power alternative to Hartmann-Hahn CP we also demonstrate the applicability of frequency-swept de- and re-magnetization pulses for polarization transfer via dipolar order. We investigate implications and restrictions of the common solid-state DNP mechanisms to the DNP-CP technique and apply a spin-thermodynamic model based on the thermal-mixing mechanism. The model allows us to investigate the dynamics of the polarization levels in a system with two nuclear Zeeman reservoirs and explains the enhanced DNP efficiency upon solvent deuteration within a spinthermodynamic picture.

Go to The DNP-NMR Blog for more info.

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