The Carr - Purcell - Meiboom - Gill (CPMG) sequence is used to measure T2 relaxation times and more recently has made an impact in measuring the line shapes of very broad solid lines by breaking them up into spikelet patterns which mimic the static line shape. The very simple pulse sequence is shown here:During the (D2 - ? -D2)n period the intensity of lines with short T2 (broad lines) diminishes much more quickly than that for lines with long T2 (sharp lines). The CPMG sequence is therefore useful for enhancing the sharp features in a spectrum by suppressing the broad features. This is demonstrated in the figure below. The top panel of the figure shows a portion of a conventional 500 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of a polymer sample contaminated with small amounts of smaller molecules. The broad lines (truncated in the figure) are due to the polymer whereas the much smaller sharp lines are due to the impurities. The bottom panel of the figure shows the CPMG spectrum of the same sample with D2 = 4 msec and n = 32. One can see that the broad polymer lines are greatly suppressed and the smaller sharp lines are much more obvious.
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: CPMG / Relaxation-Dispersion
Re: CPMG / Relaxation-Dispersion
These are all good comments, many thanks to my fellow Pipers for discussing Ronald's question. Note also, it's possible to extract evolution curves from
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
11-22-2011 09:52 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] CPMG / Relaxation-Dispersion
CPMG / Relaxation-Dispersion
Dear NMRPipers, Does the NMRPipe software have the ability to do CPMG Relaxation-Dispersion analysis? I just finished running a pseudo-3D experiment on our
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
11-21-2011 08:57 PM
[Stan NMR blog] Why are spectral lines Lorentzian
Why are spectral lines Lorentzian
Explanation of the central role of the Lorentzian lineshape in spectroscopy
Source: Stan blog library
News from NMR blogs
11-23-2010 07:10 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] two lines in acetone-d6
two lines in acetone-d6
We try to setup a used Bruker Avance 200 system. After frequency search we started to setup lock and shim file. Using D2O everithing worked quite well - the spectrometer find the lock and shimming leads to a 1H linewitdth less than 3Hz (10mm tube). Next step we wanted to set the files for acetone-d6. The system finds the lock, but now we see two well shaped lines separated by 0.48 ppm. Shimming does not solve this problem. We also tried acetone-d6 from a different bottle but still see two signals.
Thanks for your comments
Check if somebody has answered...
News from other NMR forums
11-17-2010 06:08 PM
[Stan NMR blog] Why are spectral lines Lorentzian
Why are spectral lines Lorentzian
Explanation of the central role of the Lorentzian lineshape in spectroscopy
News from NMR blogs
08-21-2010 05:42 PM
Need help in CPMG
I tried to combine the exchange enhanced sensitivity pulse sequence (Wang CY, Grey MJ, Palmer AG. 2001. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr 21: 361-6) with the TROSY detection scheme (Loria JP, Rance M, Palmer AG. 1999. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr 15: 151-5) by implementing Wang's sequences up to the end point of transverse relaxation(without time labeling) followed by Loria's detection sequence. The 15N 180 degree pulse width was limited to 160us by probe.
Applying the relaxation compensated sequence to a 19kD protein results in oscillating(with respect to Echo delay) R2 around 5Hz, while the...
NMR Questions and Answers
01-17-2008 06:54 AM
NMR question about chemical shifts and frequency difference between two lines?
The 13C chemical shifts for the carbonyl and methyl resonances of acetone are 206.68 and29.92 ppm, respectively (referenced to TMS at 0 ppm).a) If this spectrum was run on a Varian INOVA 400 NMR spectrometer, what is the frequencydifference in Hz between the two lines? (Assume <ref = 100.0650368 MHz) (2 points)b) What is the difference in magnetic field experienced by the carbonyl carbon vs. the methylcarbons. (4 points)thank you Allision!!so then i haver a difference of 17,717 Hz.for b) now I do not have any textbooks for this course but i did go to the library and picked up 4 differnet...