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nmrlearner 01-21-2015 08:39 PM

Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy
From The DNP-NMR Blog:

Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy

George, C. and N. Chandrakumar, Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie, 2014. 126(32): p. 8581-8584.

Overhauser–DNP-enhanced homonuclear 2D 19F correlation spectroscopy with diagonal suppression is presented for small molecules in the solution state at moderate fields. Multi-frequency, multi-radical studies demonstrate that these relatively low-field experiments may be operated with sensitivity rivalling that of standard 200–1000 MHz NMR spectroscopy. Structural information is accessible without a sensitivity penalty, and diagonal suppressed 2D NMR correlations emerge despite the general lack of multiplet resolution in the 1D ODNP spectra. This powerful general approach avoids the rather stiff excitation, detection, and other special requirements of high-field 19F NMR spectroscopy.

Go to The DNP-NMR Blog for more info.

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