The default font size of Sparky in my 13″ macbook is way big thus I have to move spectrum windows around or move some spectra windows to other desktop. Here is a solution to reduce the font size and the default display sizes of “pointer mode”, “Sparky main window” and individual windows will be smaller [...]
PDBe Vivaldi: Visualisation and Validation Display for NMR
PDBe Vivaldi: Visualisation and Validation Display for NMR
PDBe Vivaldi is a tool to interactively present information about the homogeneity of the modeled NMR ensemble, validation of experimental chemical shifts, residual dipolar coupling (RDC) and distance restraints and validation scores based on empirical knowledge and databases. It focuses on bringing together many aspects of NMR structure validation and on facilitating the visual assessment of the quality of the modeled NMR structure ensemble. The interactive wizard, manual and frequently asked question sections provide an easy...
12-14-2011 07:14 PM
[KPWU blog] [PyMOL] customized display of helices and strands
customized display of helices and strands
The *default view of cartoon presentation in PyMOL is provided below. PyMOL provides commands “cartoon_oval_length“, “cartoon_oval_width“, “cartoon_rect_length” and “cartoon_rect_width” to customize the display of helices and strands. PyMOL users should be aware that the 4 commands can’t be combined with “cartoon_fancy_helices” and “cartoon_fancy_strands”. *Once the fancy mode is turned on, the manually customized width/length will
Go to KPWU blog...
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A(3. fid display style)
Problems about VnmrJ 2.3A(3. fid display style)
How can I change the line style of the spectrum or fid in viewports? The line of spectrum seems too narrow.
Check if somebody has answered this question on NMRWiki QA forum
News from other NMR forums
02-27-2011 01:30 PM
[NMR Sparky Yahoo group] Ornament Size
Ornament Size
Hello, I'm having a bit of trouble with the size of the peak ornaments. I'm working with a 4D experment, and although I can adjust the peak ornaments
News from other NMR forums
11-12-2010 04:34 AM
to display the NMR signal.
1/11/2010 8:46:06 AM GMT
to display the NMR signal.
NMR pictures
11-01-2010 08:53 AM
to display the NMR signal.
1/11/2010 8:46:06 AM GMT
to display the NMR signal.