The acquisition of high resolution 2H NMR data on a Bruker AVANCE spectrometer is done differently than that for 13C, 31P or any other heteronucleus. Most heteronuclear data are collected using a broadband amplifier, a broadband preamplifier and the high sensitivity coil of a broadband probe. This configuration cannot be used to collect 2H NMR data as the broadband preamplifier on AVANCE spectrometers has a built in 2H stop filter. There are at least two options for collecting 2H NMR data on a Bruker AVANCE spectrometer using a broadband NMR probe: one, requiring no re-cabling with low sensitivity and another, requiring some re-cabling with high sensitivity. The low sensitivity option uses the 20W 2H amplifier (normally used for 2H gradient shimming), the lock preamplifier and the 2H lock coil of the probe. Although convenient, since no re-cabling or reconfiguration is necessary, the sensitivity is low because the lock coil often has a very low filling factor and the 20W 2H amplifier has limited power. This method can be used to observe 2H labelled compounds at high concentration where sensitivity is not an issue. The high sensitivity option uses the higher power (300 W in my case) broadband amplifier, the lock preamplifier and the broadband coil of the probe tuned to 2H. This method requires a bit of re-cabling and re-configuration but has a large sensitivity advantage. It is suitable for cases where the deuterium is in low concentrations where sensitivity is an issue, for example to observe 2H at natural abundance or very low concentrations of 2H labelled compounds. The figure below shows an example of both cases on a 500 MHz AVANCE spectrometer using a triple resonance (BB, 1H, 31P) probe. The sample is neat tap water where the 2H is at natural abundance (0.015 %). The spectra were collected with 90° pulses, 2 sec recycle delays, 1.8 sec acquisition times and 128 scans. The pulse programs used were zg2h and zg for the low and high sensitivity cases, respectively.
For this NMR probe, there is a 26 times gain in signal-to-noise ratio between the two methods. This will depend strongly the type of NMR probe used as the filling factor of the lock coil compared to the broadband coil must be taken into account.
[NMR images] Bruker Avance 700MHz
25/04/2014 10:27:29 PM GMT
Bruker Avance 700MHz
NMR pictures
05-09-2014 06:30 AM
[NMR images] Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (NMR) - Avance™III HD
18/04/2014 1:36:11 PM GMT
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (NMR) - Avance™III HD
NMR pictures
04-18-2014 01:35 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] RGA setting too high on Bruker Avance 300
RGA setting too high on Bruker Avance 300
I'm using Bruker Avance 300 spectrometer (Topspin processing software). When using "RGA" GR value jumps up to 3000 and more not depending on sample concentration. When RG is set manually spectra 1H spectra still looks little distorted. What could be causing this error???How it can be fixed?
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Installation manual for Bruker Avance NMR? Any model
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NMR Questions and Answers
09-10-2013 02:39 AM
quenched Bruker Avance 300 magnet recovery
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[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Bruker Avance pulse sequences - where to find if not in TopSpin?
Bruker Avance pulse sequences - where to find if not in TopSpin?
I used to use Varian Inova systems with BioPack all the time, and now I'm using a Bruker Avance-III system geared for Chemistry, not biology. It's driving me crazy that I can't find the pulse sequences I'm used to using! Right now, I'd like to use a NOESY with WET water suppression, and I can't find one in the default set that came with the software.
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[U. of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog] Heat Dissipation in Bruker AVANCE Spectrometers
Heat Dissipation in Bruker AVANCE Spectrometers
It is very important that an NMR spectrometer operate within a fixed temperature range. To control the temperature, many units within the console are equipped with cooling fans which must be kept in good working order. Failure to do so will shorten the life of the spectrometer and cause instability or malfunctions. In the Bruker AVANCE series of spectrometers, the SGU (Signal Generation Unit) boards are particularly sensitive to temperature. Each SGU houses a DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) containing numerically controlled oscillators which...