The 2D 13C INADEQUATE (Incredibe Natural Abundance DoublEQUAmtum Transfer Experiment) is undoubtedly one of the most definitive, yet under-used NMR techniques able to assign chemical structures of small organic molecules. It gives a connectivity map for all carbon atoms in the molecule. The reason that it is so under-used is that it relies on one bond 13C - 13C coupling therefore, adjacent carbon atoms must both be of the 13C isotope. Since 13C is only 1.1% naturally abundant, the chance of having two adjacent 13C atoms is approximately 1 in 8300, reducing the sensitivity of the measurement drastically. As a result, 2D INADEQUATE spectra can only be run on very concentrated samples. The sensitivity afforded by high magnetic field strengths and cryogenically cooled probes has certainly made these measurements more accessible than they have been in the past and they may be within reach when sample quantity and solubility are not a problem. The 2D 13C INADEQUATE spectrum of ~450 mg of limonene in benzene-d6 was acquired on a Bruker TCI H/C/N cryoprobe at 600 MHz and is shown in the figure below.
The spectrum was acquired with the gradient version of the INADEQUATE pulse sequence using a shaped refocusing pulse (Bruker pulse program inadgpqfsp). It was acquired in 11.8 hours with 64 scans for each of 128 increments using a 5 second recycle delay. The proton decoupled 13C spectrum is in the horizontal F2 domain. The spectrum is interpreted by locating the vertical cross peaks for each 13C resonance. Each cross peak has a partner peak along the horizontal axis. The partner peak lies on the same vertical axis as the carbon atom bonded to the initial carbon. This is shown in the figure for C1 which is bonded to C2, C3 and C4. The entire carbon skeleton of the molecule can be traced unambiguously in this manner to provide a complete assignment. The same sample was run under the same conditions in 45 minutes with only 4 scans. A comparison of the signal-to-noise ratio for both data sets is shown in the figure below.
It is clear that usable 2D INADEQUATE data can be acquired in less than an hour for extremely concentrated samples at high field with a cryoprobe.
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Inadequate experiment with bbi probe?
Is it possible to obtain this experiment with a BBI 400 MHz probe? All the tries I have made they have been unsuccessful
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06-23-2014 02:51 PM
[NMR paper] Solid-state dipolar INADEQUATE NMR spectroscopy with a large double-quantum spectral
Solid-state dipolar INADEQUATE NMR spectroscopy with a large double-quantum spectral width.
Related Articles Solid-state dipolar INADEQUATE NMR spectroscopy with a large double-quantum spectral width.
J Magn Reson. 1999 Jan;136(1):86-91
Authors: Hong M
A technique for obtaining dipolar-mediated INADEQUATE NMR spectra with a large spectral window in the double-quantum dimension is presented. Using the dipolar recoupling sequence C7 to excite the double-quantum coherence under magic-angle spinning, the technique involves incrementing the...