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nmrlearner 10-11-2012 03:50 PM

25th MOOT NMR Minisymposium: call for past MOOT photos
25th MOOT NMR Minisymposium: call for past MOOT photos

Dear colleagues,

We would like to collect photos from the past 24 MOOT NMR minisymposiums.

If you have some photos from the earlier MOOT, we would be grateful if you could email them to us at [mootnmr "at"]. Please indicate in the email or in the name of the photos the corresponding MOOT edition.

In addition to display some of these during the banquet, we will compile them under the permanent MOOT Google account for future usage.


Michèle and Stéphane

the 25th MOOT NMR Minisymposium will be held at Université Laval in Quebec City on October 20-21, 2012.

Michèle Auger et Stéphane Gagné
25th MOOT NMR Minisymposium
October 20-21, 2012
Université Laval
Québec City

Read complete story on NMR900 blog

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