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nmrlearner 04-20-2017 04:08 AM

[NMR] Postdoc position in liquid-state NMR methodology and hyperpolarization, Nantes, France
From The DNP-NMR Blog:

[NMR] Postdoc position in liquid-state NMR methodology and hyperpolarization, Nantes, France

From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List

Subject: Hyperpolarized ultrafast 2D NMR for “omics” sciences

A two-year post-doctoral position in liquid-state NMR methodology is available in the group of Patrick Giraudeau at the University of Nantes, France, starting preferably in September 2017. It will involve a close collaboration with the group of Sami Jannin in Lyon, France, with frequent travel to Lyon for DNP experiments.

Project description: Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (D-DNP) has been the focus of major developments and applications over the last decade; however its potential for the analysis of complex mixtures is largely underexploited. We recently showed the excellent analytical performance of D-DNP for the analysis of complex mixtures (Dumez et al. Analyst 2015, 140, 5860; Bornet et al. Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 6179) and the promising perspectives arising from its combination with ultrafast 2D NMR. The goal of this project is to exploit further this complementarity by developing tailored ultrafast 2D NMR pulse sequences combined with D-DNP, and to evaluate the potential of this tool on a variety of samples and analytical situations. The subject will involve collaborations with various groups in the fields of metabolomics, fluxomics and isotopomics, as well as a collaboration with the group of Jean-Nicolas Dumez (Paris) for the development of spectral-spatial pulses. The D-DNP experiments will be carried out in the group of Sami Jannin (Lyon).

Host laboratory: The CEISAM research institute at the University of Nantes has a strong expertise in the development of quantitative multi-dimensional methods applied to complex samples. In particular, the group of P. Giraudeau is well-known for its original research consisting in the association of innovative NMR methods with challenging applications such as isotopomics and metabolomics. The methodological developments will be performed on the CEISAM NMR platform, equipped with 5 state-of-the art liquid-state NMR spectrometers up to 700 MHz. The student will enjoy the excellent collaborative atmosphere of the lab and of the entire University, located in one of France’s most vibrant cities, widely recognized for its excellent quality of life. The project will also involve frequent mobility to the group of Sami Jannin (Lyon) where the candidate will spend approximately 20% of his working time (travelling expenses will be covered).

Candidates: We seek application from national and international students with a PhD in the field of Magnetic Resonance. Experience with pulse sequence development is required. The successful applicant will be given the opportunity to work in an exciting environment with national and international collaborations, and to present his/her work in international conferences. Excellent communication skills are necessary.

Contact: Applications (including CV, cover letter and two reference letters) should be sent to

Dr. Patrick Giraudeau

Associate Professor (MCF HDR)
Junior Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France
Vice-president of RFMF
Head of Associate Editorial Board, MRC

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
CEISAM, Equipe EBSI - Bureau 120
BP 92208
2 Rue de la Houssinière
44322 Nantes Cedex 3

02 51 12 57 09

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