Title:RTX calcium-binding motifs are intrinsically disordered in the absence of calcium: Implication for protein secretion Authors: Alexandre Chenal, J. Iņaki Guijarro, Bertrand Raynal, Muriel Delepierre, and Daniel Ladant Journal: J. Biol. Chem, 10.1074/jbc.M807312200 (online publish first) Note: Not an NMR-based study.
Calcium binding environments probed by (43)Ca NMR spectroscopy.
Calcium binding environments probed by (43)Ca NMR spectroscopy.
Calcium binding environments probed by (43)Ca NMR spectroscopy.
Dalton Trans. 2010 Oct 7;39(37):8593-602
Authors: Bryce DL
Calcium is an important component of materials, metalloproteins, minerals, glasses, and small inorganic and organic complexes. However, NMR spectroscopy of the quadrupolar (43)Ca nuclide remains difficult primarily due to its low natural abundance and low resonance frequency. In this Perspective, experimental challenges and recent successes in the field are...
Journal club
12-16-2010 09:21 PM
NMR Structure and Calcium-Binding Properties of the Tellurite Resistance Protein TerD from Klebsiella pneumoniae.
NMR Structure and Calcium-Binding Properties of the Tellurite Resistance Protein TerD from Klebsiella pneumoniae.
NMR Structure and Calcium-Binding Properties of the Tellurite Resistance Protein TerD from Klebsiella pneumoniae.
J Mol Biol. 2010 Nov 25;
Authors: Pan YR, Lou YC, Seven AB, Rizo J, Chen C
The tellurium oxyanion, TeO(3)(2-), has been used in the treatment of infectious diseases caused by mycobacteria. However, many pathogenic bacteria show tellurite resistance. Several tellurite resistance genes have been identified, and these genes...
Journal club
11-30-2010 08:14 PM
[NMR paper] NMR solution structure of calerythrin, an EF-hand calcium-binding protein from Saccha
NMR solution structure of calerythrin, an EF-hand calcium-binding protein from Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
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