Biological macromolecules are dynamic entities that transition between various conformational states, often playing a vital role in biological functions. Their inherent flexibility spans a broad range of timescales. Motions occurring within the microsecond to millisecond range are especially important, as they are integral to processes such as enzyme catalysis, folding, ligand binding, and allostery. NMR Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion measurements are the preferred method...
[NMR paper] NMR screening method based on 19F spin-spin relaxation time for analyses of fluorinated compound bound to proteins
NMR screening method based on 19F spin-spin relaxation time for analyses of fluorinated compound bound to proteins
NMR screening methods based on ^(19)F spin-spin relaxation time (^(19)F-T(2)) were applied to fluorinated compounds bound to human serum albumin. Diflunisal and fleroxacin (the fluorinated compounds) contain two and three fluorine atoms per molecule, respectively, and are suitable as the model system for ^(19)F NMR analysis. It was shown that ^(19)F-T(2) was more sensitive in monitoring the binding affinity to the target protein than ^(19)F spin-lattice relaxation time...
Journal club
10-17-2023 03:24 AM
[NMR paper] Explicit models of motions to analyze NMR relaxation data in proteins
Explicit models of motions to analyze NMR relaxation data in proteins
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a tool of choice to characterize molecular motions. In biological macromolecules, pico- to nanosecond motions, in particular, can be probed by nuclear spin relaxation rates, which depend on the time fluctuations of the orientations of spin interaction frames. For the past 40 years, relaxation rates have been successfully analyzed using the Model-Free (MF) approach, which makes no assumption on the nature of motions and reports on the effective amplitude and...
Journal club
10-02-2022 07:47 AM
[NMR paper] NMR Spin Relaxation Theory of Biomolecules Undergoing Highly Asymmetric Exchange with Large Interaction Partners
NMR Spin Relaxation Theory of Biomolecules Undergoing Highly Asymmetric Exchange with Large Interaction Partners
The transient interactions of proteins and other molecules with much larger structures, such as synthetic or biological nanoparticles, lead to certain types of enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin relaxation effects, which can be accurately measured by multidimensional solution NMR techniques. These relaxation effects provide new information about the nanostructures and the protein, their interactions, internal dynamics, and associated kinetic and thermodynamic...
Journal club
03-23-2021 07:56 PM
[NMR paper] Motions and Entropies in Proteins as Seen in NMR Relaxation Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Motions and Entropies in Proteins as Seen in NMR Relaxation Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Related Articles Motions and Entropies in Proteins as Seen in NMR Relaxation Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
J Phys Chem B. 2014 Oct 28;
Authors: Allnér O, Foloppe N, Nilsson L
Molecular dynamics simulations of E. coli glutaredoxin1 in water have been performed to relate the dynamical parameters and entropy obtained in NMR relaxation experiments, with results extracted from simulated trajectory...
Journal club
10-29-2014 03:51 PM
[NMR paper] Slow motions in microcrystalline proteins as observed by MAS-dependent 15N rotating-frame NMR relaxation
Slow motions in microcrystalline proteins as observed by MAS-dependent 15N rotating-frame NMR relaxation
Publication date: Available online 20 September 2014
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
Author(s): Alexey Krushelnitsky , Tatiana Zinkevich , Bernd Reif , Kay Saalwächter</br>
15N NMR relaxation rate R 1? measurements reveal that a substantial fraction of residues in the microcrystalline chicken alpha-spectrin SH3 domain protein undergoes dynamics in the ?s - ms timescale range. On the basis of a comparison of 2D site-resolved with 1D integrated 15N...
Journal club
09-20-2014 07:51 PM
[NMR paper] Local Isotropic Diffusion Approximation for Coupled Internal and Overall Molecular Motions in NMR Spin Relaxation.
Local Isotropic Diffusion Approximation for Coupled Internal and Overall Molecular Motions in NMR Spin Relaxation.
Related Articles Local Isotropic Diffusion Approximation for Coupled Internal and Overall Molecular Motions in NMR Spin Relaxation.
J Phys Chem B. 2014 Aug 28;
Authors: Gill ML, Palmer AG
The present work demonstrates that NMR spin relaxation rate constants for molecules interconverting between states with different diffusion tensors can be modeled theoretically by combining orientational correlation...