Related ArticlesTwo-dimensional NMR lineshape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments.
J Biomol NMR. 2020 Jan;74(1):95-109
Authors: Waudby CA, Ouvry M, Davis B, Christodoulou J
NMR spectroscopy provides a powerful approach for the characterisation of chemical exchange and molecular interactions by analysis of series of experiments acquired over the course of a titration measurement. The appearance of NMR resonances undergoing chemical exchange depends on the frequency difference relative to the rate of exchange, and in the case of one-dimensional experiments chemical exchange regimes are well established and well known. However, two-dimensional experiments present additional complexity, as at least one additional frequency difference must be considered. Here we provide a systematic classification of chemical exchange regimes in two-dimensional NMR spectra. We highlight important differences between exchange in HSQC and HMQC experiments, that on a practical level result in more severe exchange broadening in HMQC spectra, but show that complementary alternatives to the HMQC are available in the form of HZQC and HDQC experiments. We present the longitudinal relaxation optimised SOFAST-H(Z/D)QC experiment for the simultaneous acquisition of sensitivity-enhanced HZQC and HDQC spectra, and the longitudinal and transverse relaxation optimised BEST-ZQ-TROSY for analysis of large molecular weight systems. We describe the application of these experiments to the characterisation of the interaction between the Hsp90 N-terminal domain and a small molecule ligand, and show that the independent analysis of HSQC, HMQC, HZQC and HDQC experiments provides improved confidence in the fitted dissociation constant and dissociation rate. Joint analysis of such data may provide improved sensitivity to detect and analyse more complex multi-state interaction mechanisms such as induced fit or conformational selection.
Two-dimensional NMR lineshape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments
Two-dimensional NMR lineshape analysis of single, multiple, zero and double quantum correlation experiments
NMR spectroscopy provides a powerful approach for the characterisation of chemical exchange and molecular interactions by analysis of series of experiments acquired over the course of a titration measurement. The appearance of NMR resonances undergoing chemical exchange depends on the frequency difference relative to the rate of exchange, and in the case of one-dimensional experiments chemical exchange regimes are well established...
Journal club
02-29-2020 09:52 PM
[U. of Ottawa NMR Facility Blog] 11B Double Quantum - Single Quantum Correlation Spectroscopy
11B Double Quantum - Single Quantum Correlation Spectroscopy
The 2D 13C INADEQUATE method provides double quantum - single quantum (DQ/SQ) correlations and enables one to determine the carbon - carbon skeleton of small organic molecules. The method is quite insensitive for 13C since the natural abundance of 13C is only 1.1% and the chance of having two adjacent 13C nuclei is only 1 in 8264. For spins other than 13C, for which the natural abundance is high, one expects the sensitivity of DQ/SQ correlation spectroscopy to be much higher. 11B has a natural abundance of 80.42% and the...
News from NMR blogs
02-29-2020 09:52 PM
[NMR paper] 3D 14N/1H Double Quantum/1H Single Quantum Correlation Solid-State NMR for Probing Parallel and Anti-Parallel Beta-Sheet Arrangement of Oligo-Peptides at Natural Abundance.
3D 14N/1H Double Quantum/1H Single Quantum Correlation Solid-State NMR for Probing Parallel and Anti-Parallel Beta-Sheet Arrangement of Oligo-Peptides at Natural Abundance.
Related Articles 3D 14N/1H Double Quantum/1H Single Quantum Correlation Solid-State NMR for Probing Parallel and Anti-Parallel Beta-Sheet Arrangement of Oligo-Peptides at Natural Abundance.
Chemphyschem. 2018 May 08;:
Authors: Hong YL, Asakura T, Nishiyama Y
?-sheet structure of oligo- and poly-peptides can be formed in anti-parallel (AP)- and...
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[NMR paper] Two-Dimensional NMR Lineshape Analysis.
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Two-Dimensional NMR Lineshape Analysis.
Sci Rep. 2016;6:24826
Authors: Waudby CA, Ramos A, Cabrita LD, Christodoulou J
NMR titration experiments are a rich source of structural, mechanistic, thermodynamic and kinetic information on biomolecular interactions, which can be extracted through the quantitative analysis of resonance lineshapes. However, applications of such analyses are frequently limited by peak overlap inherent to complex biomolecular systems. Moreover, systematic...
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04-26-2016 12:14 PM
[NMR paper] A Different Approach to Multiplicity-Edited Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation Spectroscopy
A Different Approach to Multiplicity-Edited Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation Spectroscopy
Publication date: Available online 8 August 2015
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
Author(s): Peyman Sakhaii, Wolfgang Bermel</br>
A new experiment for recording multiplicity-edited HSQC spectra is presented. In standard multiplicity-edited HSQC experiments, the amplitude of CH2 signals is negative compared to those of CH and CH3 groups. We propose to reverse the sign of 13C frequencies of CH2 groups in t1 as criteria for editing. Basically, a modified r,x...
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Rapid Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation NMR Spectra at Natural Abundance
Rapid Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation NMR Spectra at Natural Abundance
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Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja411588d
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01-22-2014 12:01 PM
Characteristics of zero-quantum correlation spectroscopy in MAS NMR experiments.
Characteristics of zero-quantum correlation spectroscopy in MAS NMR experiments.
Characteristics of zero-quantum correlation spectroscopy in MAS NMR experiments.
J Magn Reson. 2010 Dec;207(2):197-205
Authors: Köneke SG, van Beek JD, Ernst M, Meier BH
Zero-quantum coherence generation and reconversion in magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR is analyzed. Two methods are discussed based on implementations using symmetry-based pulse sequences that utilize either isotropic J couplings or dipolar couplings. In either case, the decoupling of abundant...
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03-18-2011 06:00 PM
Double quantum filtering homonuclear MAS NMR correlation spectra: a tool for membrane protein studies
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Journal of Biomolecular NMR; 2008; 41(2) pp 97 - 104
13C homonuclear correlation spectra based on proton driven spin diffusion (PDSD) are becoming increasingly important for obtaining distance constraints from multiply labeled biomolecules by MAS NMR. One particular challenging situation arises when such constraints are to be obtained from spectra with a large natural abundance signal background which...