A method is described that allows experimental \(S^2\) order parameters to be enforced as a time-averaged quantity in molecular dynamics simulations. The two parameters that characterize time-averaged restraining, the memory relaxation time and the weight of the restraining potential energy term in the potential energy function used in the simulation, are systematically investigated based on two model systems, a vector with one end restrained in space and a pentapeptide. For the latter it is shown that the backbone Nā??H order parameter of individual residues can be enforced such that the spatial fluctuations of quantities depending on atomic coordinates are not significantly perturbed. The applicability to realistic systems is illustrated for the B3 domain of protein G in aqueous solution.
[NMR paper] Assessment of the Use of NMR Chemical Shifts as Replica-Averaged Structural Restraints in Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Characterize the Dynamics of Proteins.
Assessment of the Use of NMR Chemical Shifts as Replica-Averaged Structural Restraints in Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Characterize the Dynamics of Proteins.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--pubs.acs.org-images-pubmed-acspubs.jpg Related Articles Assessment of the Use of NMR Chemical Shifts as Replica-Averaged Structural Restraints in Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Characterize the Dynamics of Proteins.
J Phys Chem B. 2013 Feb 1;
Authors: Camilloni C, Cavalli A, Vendruscolo M
It has been recently...
Journal club
02-03-2013 10:19 AM
Structure and Dynamics of the A?2130 Peptide from the Interplay of NMR Experiments and Molecular Simulations
Structure and Dynamics of the A?2130 Peptide from the Interplay of NMR Experiments and Molecular Simulations
Nicolas L. Fawzi, Aaron H. Phillips, Jory Z. Ruscio, Michaeleen Doucleff, David E. Wemmer and Teresa Head-Gordon
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja204315n
Journal club
07-09-2011 07:11 AM
[NMR paper] Molecular dynamics simulations of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) in three states of
Molecular dynamics simulations of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) in three states of its photocycle: a comparison with X-ray and NMR data and analysis of the effects of Glu46 deprotonation and mutation.
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11-17-2010 11:06 PM
Methods of NMR structure refinement: molecular dynamics simulations improve the agree
Methods of NMR structure refinement: molecular dynamics simulations improve the agreement with measured NMR data of a C-terminal peptide of GCN4-p1.
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09-15-2010 02:26 PM
Using NMR Chemical Shifts as Structural Restraints in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
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Refinement against order parameter with XPLOR
New 2.10 release of XPLOR-NIH can now do a refinement against order parameters. You can get an idea what this refinement can be used for from the this paper.
Info about new features of XPLOR-NIH 2.10 from XPLOR-NIH website: - new parameter/topology file naming convention: NMR protein refinement should now use topology file protein.top and parameter file protein.par.
- new command: tclXplor which calls xplor -tcl. Can be used as command interpreter
- new potential term OrderPot to enable refinement against order parameters.
- update to PrePot from Junji Iwahara
- CSAPot: 15N CSAs...