Study of protein folding under native conditions by rapidly switching the hydrostatic pressure inside an NMR sample cell [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
Study of protein folding under native conditions by rapidly switching the hydrostatic pressure inside an NMR sample cell [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
Cyril Charlier, T. Reid Alderson, Joseph M. Courtney, Jinfa Ying, Philip Anfinrud, Adriaan Bax...
Date: 2018-05-01
In general, small proteins rapidly fold on the timescale of milliseconds or less. For proteins with a substantial volume difference between the folded and unfolded states, their thermodynamic equilibrium can be altered by varying the hydrostatic pressure. Using a pressure-sensitized mutant of ubiquitin, we demonstrate that rapidly switching the pressure... Read More
Number: 18
Volume: 115
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[NMR paper] Study of protein folding under native conditions by rapidly switching the hydrostatic pressure inside an NMR sample cell.
Study of protein folding under native conditions by rapidly switching the hydrostatic pressure inside an NMR sample cell.
Related Articles Study of protein folding under native conditions by rapidly switching the hydrostatic pressure inside an NMR sample cell.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Apr 16;:
Authors: Charlier C, Alderson TR, Courtney JM, Ying J, Anfinrud P, Bax A
In general, small proteins rapidly fold on the timescale of milliseconds or less. For proteins with a substantial volume difference between the folded...
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