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Proteins. 1997 Apr;27(4):481-92
Authors: Bechinger B
The polypeptide corresponding to the signal sequence of the M13 coat protein and the five N-terminal residues of the mature protein was prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis with a 15N isotopic label at the alanine-12 position. Multidimensional solution NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling calculations indicate that this polypeptide assumes helical conformations between residues 5 and 20, in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate micelles. This is in good agreement with circular dichroism spectroscopic measurement, which shows an alpha-helix content of approximately 42%. The alpha-helix comprises an uninterrupted hydrophobic stretch of < or = 12 amino acids, which is generally believed to be too short for a stable transmembrane alignment in a biological bilayer. The monoexponential proton-deuterium exchange kinetics of this hydrophobic helical region is characterized by half-lives of 15-75 minutes (pH 4.2, 323 K). When the polypeptide is reconstituted into phospholipid bilayers, the broad anisotropy of the proton-decoupled 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy indicates that the hydrophobic helix is immobilized close to the lipid bilayer surface at the time scale of 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy (10(-4) seconds). By contrast, short correlation times, immediate hydrogen-deuterium exchange as well as nuclear Overhauser effect crosspeak analysis suggest that the N and C termini of this polypeptide exhibit a mobile random coil structure. The implications of these structural findings for possible mechanisms of membrane insertion and translocation as well as for membrane protein structure prediction algorithms are discussed.
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Solution NMR structure of Dsy0195 homodimer from Desulfitobacterium hafniense: first structure representative of the YabP domain family of proteins involved in spore coat assembly.
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[NMR paper] Structure of the coat protein in Pf1 bacteriophage determined by solid-state NMR spec
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Proteins. 1997 Apr;27(4):481-92
Authors: Bechinger B
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