Publication date: Available online 28 December 2017 Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance
Author(s): Kaiyu Wang, Zhiyong Zhang, Xiaoyan Ding, Fang Tian, Yuqing Huang, Zhong Chen, Riqiang Fu
The feasibility of using the spin-echo based diagonal peak suppression method in solid-state MAS NMR homonuclear chemical shift correlation experiments is demonstrated. A complete phase cycling is designed in such a way that in the indirect dimension only the spin diffused signals are evolved, while all signals not involved in polarization transfer are refocused for cancellation. A data processing procedure is further introduced to reconstruct this acquired spectrum into a conventional two-dimensional homonuclear chemical shift correlation spectrum. A uniformly 13C, 15N labeled Fmoc-valine sample and the transmembrane domain of a human protein, LR11 (sorLA), in native Escherichia coli membranes have been used to illustrate the capability of the proposed method in comparison with standard 13C-13C chemical shift correlation experiments. Graphical abstract
Chemical-shift-resolved (1)(9)F NMR spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-enhanced diagonal suppressed correlation spectroscopy
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Chemical-shift-resolved (1)(9)F NMR spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-enhanced diagonal suppressed correlation spectroscopy
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George, C. and N. Chandrakumar, Chemical-shift-resolved (1)(9)F NMR spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-enhanced diagonal suppressed correlation spectroscopy. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2014. 53(32): p. 8441-4.
News from NMR blogs
03-13-2017 03:04 PM
Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy
George, C. and N. Chandrakumar, Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie, 2014. 126(32): p. 8581-8584.
News from NMR blogs
01-21-2015 08:39 PM
Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy
George, C. and N. Chandrakumar, Chemical-Shift-Resolved19F NMR Spectroscopy between 13.5 and 135 MHz: Overhauser-DNP-Enhanced Diagonal Suppressed Correlation Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie, 2014. 126(32): p. 8581-8584.
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01-16-2015 09:09 PM
[NMR paper] Identifying inter-residue resonances in crowded 2D (13)C- (13)C chemical shift correlation spectra of membrane proteins by solid-state MAS NMR difference spectroscopy.
Identifying inter-residue resonances in crowded 2D (13)C- (13)C chemical shift correlation spectra of membrane proteins by solid-state MAS NMR difference spectroscopy.
Identifying inter-residue resonances in crowded 2D (13)C- (13)C chemical shift correlation spectra of membrane proteins by solid-state MAS NMR difference spectroscopy.
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Abstract We have carried out chemical shift correlation experiments with symmetry-based mixing sequences at high MAS frequencies and examined different strategies to simultaneously acquire 3D correlation spectra that are commonly required in the structural studies of proteins. The potential of numerically optimised symmetry-based mixing sequences and the simultaneous recording of chemical shift correlation spectra such as: 3D NCAC and 3D NHH...
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