Oriented-sample solid-state NMR represents one of few experimental methods capable of characterising the membrane-bound conformation of proteins in the cell membrane. Since the technique was developed 25 years ago, the technique has been applied to study the structure of helix bundle membrane proteins and antimicrobial peptides, characterise protein-lipid interactions, and derive information on dynamics of the membrane anchoring of membrane proteins. We will review the major developments in various aspects of oriented-sample solid-state NMR, including sample-preparation methods, pulse sequences, theory required to interpret the experiments, perspectives for and guidelines to new experiments, and a number of representative applications.
Solid-state NMR methods for oriented membrane proteins
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Solid-state NMR methods for oriented membrane proteins
This review article gives a comprehensive overview of the field of solid-state NMR spectroscopy on oriented samples. These experiments are typically less demanding on instrumentation since experiments are performed on static samples, without the need of spinning. While this article is not directly related to DNP-NMR spectroscopy, DNP-NMR on static samples will certainly become more interesting in the future.
News from NMR blogs
08-04-2015 01:43 AM
Solid-State NMR Methods for Oriented Membrane Proteins
Solid-State NMR Methods for Oriented Membrane Proteins
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2015
Source:Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy</br>
Author(s): Sara K. Hansen , Kresten Bertelsen , Berit Paaske , Niels Chr. Nielsen , Thomas Vosegaard</br>
Oriented-sample solid-state NMR represents one of few experimental methods capable of characterising the membrane-bound conformation of proteins in the cell membrane. Since the technique was developed 25 years ago, the technique has been applied to study the structure of helix bundle membrane...
[NMR paper] Sensitivity and resolution enhancement of oriented solid-state NMR: Application to membrane proteins.
Sensitivity and resolution enhancement of oriented solid-state NMR: Application to membrane proteins.
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Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc. 2013 Nov;75:50-68
Authors: Gopinath T, Mote KR, Veglia G
Oriented solid-state NMR (O-ssNMR) spectroscopy is a major technique for the high-resolution analysis of the structure and topology of transmembrane proteins in native-like environments. Unlike magic angle spinning (MAS)...
Journal club
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Lipid bilayer preparations of membrane proteins for oriented and magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR samples.
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Nat Protoc. 2013 Nov;8(11):2256-70
Authors: Das N, Murray DT, Cross TA
Journal club
10-27-2013 12:53 AM
Sensitivity and Resolution Enhancement of Oriented Solid-State NMR: Application to Membrane Proteins
Sensitivity and Resolution Enhancement of Oriented Solid-State NMR: Application to Membrane Proteins
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2013
Source:Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy</br>
Author(s): T. Gopinath , Kaustubh R. Mote , Gianluigi Veglia</br>
Oriented solid-state NMR (O-ssNMR) spectroscopy is a major technique for the high-resolution analysis of the structure and topology of transmembrane proteins in native-like environments. Unlike magic angle spinning (MAS) techniques, O-ssNMR spectroscopy requires membrane protein...