Abstract Thermal convection and high intensity solvent resonances can significantly hamper diffusion estimates in pulsed gradient spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance diffusion experiments on biomolecule samples. To overcome these two problems, a new double functional NMR diffusion sequence, double echo PGSTE-WATERGATE, is presented. The new sequence provides excellent convection compensation and solvent suppression (with a suppression factor in excess of at least 105 in a single scan) in biomolecular NMR diffusion experiments. Due to its stimulated echo nature, the new sequence is much less susceptible to spinā??spin relaxation than Hahn spin-echo based sequences. Furthermore, the new sequence is not susceptible to spin diffusion due to the application of bipolar pulsed gradients. The new sequence is also much easier to set up compared to previously developed stimulated echo based convection compensation and solvent suppression sequence. The utility of the new sequence is demonstrated on an aqueous lysozyme sample.
Content Type Journal Article
Pages 295-299
DOI 10.1007/s10858-009-9367-2
Gang Zheng, University of Western Sydney Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group, College of Health and Science Penrith South DC NSW 1797 Australia
William S. Price, University of Western Sydney Nanoscale Organisation and Dynamics Group, College of Health and Science Penrith South DC NSW 1797 Australia
Li Ion Diffusion in the Anode Material Li12Si7: Ultrafast Quasi-1D Diffusion and Two Distinct Fast 3D Jump Processes Separately Revealed by 7Li NMR Relaxometry
Li Ion Diffusion in the Anode Material Li12Si7: Ultrafast Quasi-1D Diffusion and Two Distinct Fast 3D Jump Processes Separately Revealed by 7Li NMR Relaxometry
Alexander Kuhn, Puravankara Sreeraj, Rainer Po?ttgen, Hans-Dieter Wiemho?fer, Martin Wilkening and Paul Heitjans
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja2020108
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