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nmrlearner 12-19-2023 11:26 AM

Short and long range 2D 15N-15N NMR correlations among peptide groups by novel solid state dipolar mixing schemes
Short and long range 2D 15N-15N NMR correlations among peptide groups by novel solid state dipolar mixing schemes

A recently developed homonuclear dipolar recoupling scheme, Adiabatic Linearly FREquency Swept reCOupling (AL FRESCO), was applied to record two-dimensional (2D) ^(15)N-^(15)N correlations on uniformly ^(15)N-labeled GB1 powders. A major feature exploited in these ^(15)N-^(15)N correlations was AL FRESCO's remarkably low RF power demands, which enabled seconds-long mixing schemes when establishing direct correlations. These ^(15)N-^(15)N mixing schemes proved efficient regardless of the...


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