Hematological malignancies encompass a diverse array of subtypes, contributing to substantial heterogeneity that poses challenges in predicting clinical outcomes. Leveraging the capabilities of nuclear magnetic resonance holds substantial promise in the detection of serum biomarkers and individual metabolic alterations in patients. The study involved the analysis of the sera from patients with acute myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma to investigate the...
[NMR paper] An improved NMR approach for metabolomics of intact serum samples
An improved NMR approach for metabolomics of intact serum samples
NMR metabolomics has inherent capabilities for studying biofluids, such as reproducibility, minimal sample preparation, non-destructiveness, and molecular structure elucidation; however, reliable quantitation of metabolites is still a challenge because of the complex matrix of the samples. The serum is one of the most common samples in clinical studies but possibly the most difficult for NMR analysis because of the high content of proteins, which hampers the detection and quantification of...
Journal club
07-24-2022 04:03 PM
Protein analysis uncovers new medulloblastoma subtypes - MIT News
Protein analysis uncovers new medulloblastoma subtypes - MIT News
Protein analysis uncovers new medulloblastoma subtypes MIT NewsMIT and Broad Institute research team shows the power of proteomics to discover new drug targets for medulloblastoma subtypes.
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Online News
03-24-2019 10:41 PM
[NMR paper] NMR spectroscopy of filtered serum of prostate cancer: A new frontier in metabolomics.
NMR spectroscopy of filtered serum of prostate cancer: A new frontier in metabolomics.
Related Articles NMR spectroscopy of filtered serum of prostate cancer: A new frontier in metabolomics.
Prostate. 2016 Sep;76(12):1106-19
Authors: Kumar D, Gupta A, Mandhani A, Sankhwar SN
BACKGROUND: To address the shortcomings of digital rectal examinations (DRE), serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) for precise determination of prostate cancer (PC) and differentiation from benign prostatic...
Journal club
07-14-2017 01:53 PM
[NMR paper] (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based serum metabolomics of human gallbladder inflammation.
(1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based serum metabolomics of human gallbladder inflammation.
http://www.bionmr.com//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--production.springer.de-OnlineResources-Logos-springerlink.gif Related Articles (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based serum metabolomics of human gallbladder inflammation.
Inflamm Res. 2017 Jan;66(1):97-105
Authors: Sharma RK, Mishra K, Farooqui A, Behari A, Kapoor VK, Sinha N
OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: We present in this article (1)H nuclear magnetic...
Journal club
05-24-2017 07:40 PM
Journal Highlight: NMR spectroscopy of filtered serum of prostate cancer: A new frontier in metabolomics
Journal Highlight: NMR spectroscopy of filtered serum of prostate cancer: A new frontier in metabolomics
http://www.spectroscopynow.com/common/images/thumbnails/1563b836aed.jpgThe application of 1H NMR spectroscopy of 52 serum metabolites as a surrogate tactic for probing and predicting prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia is on a par with LC/MS and histopathological examination.
Read the rest at Spectroscopynow.com
08-01-2016 10:03 AM
[NMR paper] (1)H NMR-Derived Metabolomics of Filtered Serum of Myocardial Ischemia in Unstable Angina Patients.
(1)H NMR-Derived Metabolomics of Filtered Serum of Myocardial Ischemia in Unstable Angina Patients.
(1)H NMR-Derived Metabolomics of Filtered Serum of Myocardial Ischemia in Unstable Angina Patients.
Clin Chim Acta. 2016 Feb 26;
Authors: Ameta K, Gupta A, Ameta D, Sethi R, Kumar D, Ahmad I, Mahdi AA
BACKGROUND: Despite continuing research for development of accurate biomarkers of myocardial ischemia in unstable angina, lack of biochemical biomarkers is alarming. We sought to develop accurate biomarkers using high...
Journal club
03-02-2016 07:20 PM
[NMR paper] NMR metabolomics of human lung tumours reveals distinct metabolic signatures for adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
NMR metabolomics of human lung tumours reveals distinct metabolic signatures for adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Related Articles NMR metabolomics of human lung tumours reveals distinct metabolic signatures for adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Carcinogenesis. 2014 Nov 3;
Authors: Rocha CM, Barros AS, Goodfellow BJ, Carreira IM, Gomes A, Sousa V, Bernardo J, Carvalho L, Gil AM, Duarte IF
Lung tumour subtyping, particularly the distinction between adenocarcinoma (AdC) and squamous cell carcinoma...
Journal club
11-05-2014 04:04 PM
The application of micro-coil NMR probe technology to metabolomics of urine and serum
The application of micro-coil NMR probe technology to metabolomics of urine and serum
Abstract Increasing the sensitivity and throughput of NMR-based metabolomics is critical for the continued growth of this field. In this paper the application of micro-coil NMR probe technology was evaluated for this purpose. The most commonly used biofluids in metabolomics are urine and serum. In this study we examine different sample limited conditions and compare the detection sensitivity of the micro-coil with a standard 5 mm NMR probe. Sample concentration is evaluated as a means to leverage the...