[NMR paper] Selective 1H? NMR methods to reveal functionally relevant proline cis/trans isomers in IDPs: characterization of minor forms, effects of phosphorylation and occurrence in proteome
Selective 1H? NMR methods to reveal functionally relevant proline cis/trans isomers in IDPs: characterization of minor forms, effects of phosphorylation and occurrence in proteome
[NMR paper] Selective 1Halpha NMR methods to reveal functionally relevant proline cis/trans isomers in IDPs: characterization of minor forms, effects of phosphorylation and occurrence in proteome
Selective 1Halpha NMR methods to reveal functionally relevant proline cis/trans isomers in IDPs: characterization of minor forms, effects of phosphorylation and occurrence in proteome
Identification of proline cis/trans isomers appearing in several regulatory mechanisms of proteins and characterization of minor species present due to the conformational heterogeneity in IDPs is highly important. To obtain residue level information on these mobile systems we introduce two 1 H ? -detected, proline selective, real-time homodecoupled NMR experiments and analyze the proline abundant...
Journal club
09-30-2021 04:48 AM
[NMR paper] Multiple Site-Specific Phosphorylation of IDPs Monitored by NMR.
Multiple Site-Specific Phosphorylation of IDPs Monitored by NMR.
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Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2141:793-817
Authors: Julien M, Bouguechtouli C, Alik A, Ghouil R, Zinn-Justin S, Theillet FX
In line with their high accessibility, disordered proteins are exquisite targets of kinases. Eukaryotic organisms use the so-called intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) or intrinsically disordered regions of proteins (IDRs) as molecular switches...
Journal club
07-23-2020 11:23 PM
[NMR paper] Altered Domain Structure of the Prion Protein Caused by Cu2+ Binding and Functionally Relevant Mutations: Analysis by Cross-Linking, MS/MS, and NMR.
Altered Domain Structure of the Prion Protein Caused by Cu2+ Binding and Functionally Relevant Mutations: Analysis by Cross-Linking, MS/MS, and NMR.
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Structure. 2019 Mar 28;:
Authors: McDonald AJ, Leon DR, Markham KA, Wu B, Heckendorf CF, Schilling K, Showalter HD,...
Journal club
04-09-2019 11:33 PM
[ASAP] Coupling Green Fluorescent Protein Expression with Chemical Modification to Probe Functionally Relevant Riboswitch Conformations in Live Bacteria
Coupling Green Fluorescent Protein Expression with Chemical Modification to Probe Functionally Relevant Riboswitch Conformations in Live Bacteria
DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00316
Journal club
06-27-2018 01:51 AM
[NMR paper] NMR Structure of the C-Terminal Transmembrane Domain of the HDL Receptor, SR-BI, and a Functionally Relevant Leucine Zipper Motif.
NMR Structure of the C-Terminal Transmembrane Domain of the HDL Receptor, SR-BI, and a Functionally Relevant Leucine Zipper Motif.
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Structure. 2017 Mar 07;25(3):446-457
Authors: Chadwick AC, Jensen DR, Hanson PJ, Lange PT, Proudfoot SC, Peterson FC, Volkman BF, Sahoo D
Journal club
08-25-2017 04:11 AM
[NMR paper] NMR assignments for the cis and trans forms of the hemolysin II C-terminal domain.
NMR assignments for the cis and trans forms of the hemolysin II C-terminal domain.
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Biomol NMR Assign. 2013 Nov 15;
Authors: Kaplan AR, Maciejewski MW, Olson R, Alexandrescu AT
Pathogenic bacteria secrete pore-forming toxins (PFTs) to selectively defend against immune cells and to break through cellular barriers in the host. Understanding how PFTs attack cell membranes is not only essential for therapeutic intervention but for...
Journal club
11-16-2013 03:14 PM
[NMR paper] Multiple cis-trans conformers of the prolactin receptor proline-rich motif (PRM) pept
Multiple cis-trans conformers of the prolactin receptor proline-rich motif (PRM) peptide detected by reverse-phase HPLC, CD and NMR spectroscopy.
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Biochem J. 1996 May 1;315 ( Pt 3):833-44