The interaction of the SARS CoV2 spike glycoprotein with two sialic acid-containing trisaccharides (a2,3 and a2,6 sialyl N-Acetyllactosamine) has been demonstrated by NMR. The NMR-based distinction between the signals of those sialic acids in the glycans covalently attached to the spike protein and those belonging to the exogenous a2,3 and a2,6 sialyl N-Acetyllactosamine ligands has been achieved by synthesizing uniformly 13C-labelled trisaccharides at the sialic acid and galactose moieties....
[NMR paper] The CD4 determinant for downregulation by HIV-1 Nef directly binds to Nef. Mapping of
The CD4 determinant for downregulation by HIV-1 Nef directly binds to Nef. Mapping of the Nef binding surface by NMR. Related Articles The CD4 determinant for downregulation by HIV-1 Nef directly binds to Nef. Mapping of the Nef binding surface by NMR.
Biochemistry. 1996 Aug 13;35(32):10256-61
Authors: Grzesiek S, Stahl SJ, Wingfield PT, Bax A
Using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, we demonstrate that a 13-residue peptide (MS-QIKRLLSEKKT) from the...