Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a powerful technique to study insoluble and non-crystalline proteins and protein complexes at atomic resolution. The development of proton (1H) detection at fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) has considerably increased the analytical capabilities of the technique, enabling the acquisition of 1H-detected fingerprint experiments in few hours. Here an approach based on double-quantum (DQ) 13C spectroscopy, detected on 1H, is proposed for fast MAS regime (>â??60Â*kHz) to perform the sequential assignment of insoluble proteins of small size, without any specific deuteration requirement. By combining two three-dimensional 1H detected experiments correlating a 13C DQ dimension respectively to its intra-residue and sequential 15Â*N-1H pairs, a sequential walk through DQ (Caâ??+â??CO) resonance is obtained. The approach takes advantage of fast MAS to achieve an efficient sensitivity and the addition of a DQ dimension provides spectral features useful for the resonance assignment process.
[NMR paper] Protein resonance assignment by solid-state NMR based on (1)H-detected (13)C double-quantum spectroscopy at fast MAS
Protein resonance assignment by solid-state NMR based on (1)H-detected (13)C double-quantum spectroscopy at fast MAS
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a powerful technique to study insoluble and non-crystalline proteins and protein complexes at atomic resolution. The development of proton (¹H) detection at fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) has considerably increased the analytical capabilities of the technique, enabling the acquisition of ¹H-detected fingerprint experiments in few hours. Here an approach based on double-quantum (DQ) ^(13)C spectroscopy, detected on ¹H, is proposed for fast MAS...
Journal club
11-24-2021 06:01 AM
[NMR paper] Strategies for RNA Resonance Assignment by (13)C/(15)N- and (1)H-Detected Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Strategies for RNA Resonance Assignment by (13)C/(15)N- and (1)H-Detected Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Magic angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR (ssNMR) is an established tool that can be applied to non-soluble or non-crystalline biomolecules of any size or complexity. The ssNMR method advances rapidly due to technical improvements and the development of advanced isotope labeling schemes. While ssNMR has shown significant progress in structural studies of proteins, the number of RNA studies remains limited due to ssNMR methodology that is still underdeveloped. Resonance assignment is the...
Journal club
11-09-2021 10:05 AM
[NMR paper] 3D 14N/1H Double Quantum/1H Single Quantum Correlation Solid-State NMR for Probing Parallel and Anti-Parallel Beta-Sheet Arrangement of Oligo-Peptides at Natural Abundance.
3D 14N/1H Double Quantum/1H Single Quantum Correlation Solid-State NMR for Probing Parallel and Anti-Parallel Beta-Sheet Arrangement of Oligo-Peptides at Natural Abundance.
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Chemphyschem. 2018 May 08;:
Authors: Hong YL, Asakura T, Nishiyama Y
?-sheet structure of oligo- and poly-peptides can be formed in anti-parallel (AP)- and...
Journal club
05-09-2018 02:49 AM
[NMR paper] Nano-Mole Scale Side-Chain Signal Assignment by 1H-Detected Protein Solid-State NMR by Ultra-Fast Magic-Angle Spinning and Stereo-Array Isotope Labeling.
Nano-Mole Scale Side-Chain Signal Assignment by 1H-Detected Protein Solid-State NMR by Ultra-Fast Magic-Angle Spinning and Stereo-Array Isotope Labeling. Related Articles Nano-Mole Scale Side-Chain Signal Assignment by 1H-Detected Protein Solid-State NMR by Ultra-Fast Magic-Angle Spinning and Stereo-Array Isotope Labeling.
PLoS One. 2015;10(4):e0122714
Authors: Wang S, Parthasarathy S, Nishiyama Y, Endo Y, Nemoto T, Yamauchi K, Asakura T,...
Journal club
04-11-2015 12:04 AM
[NMR paper] Out-and-back (13)C- (13)C scalar transfers in protein resonance assignment by proton-detected solid-state NMR under ultra-fast MAS.
Out-and-back (13)C- (13)C scalar transfers in protein resonance assignment by proton-detected solid-state NMR under ultra-fast MAS.
Related Articles Out-and-back (13)C- (13)C scalar transfers in protein resonance assignment by proton-detected solid-state NMR under ultra-fast MAS.
J Biomol NMR. 2013 Jun 29;
Authors: Barbet-Massin E, Pell AJ, Jaudzems K, Franks WT, Retel JS, Kotelovica S, Akopjana I, Tars K, Emsley L, Oschkinat H, Lesage A, Pintacuda G
We present here (1)H-detected triple-resonance H/N/C experiments that...
Journal club
07-03-2013 01:46 PM
[NMR paper] (13) C-Detected Through-Bond Correlation Experiments for Protein Resonance Assignment by Ultra-Fast MAS Solid-State NMR.
(13) C-Detected Through-Bond Correlation Experiments for Protein Resonance Assignment by Ultra-Fast MAS Solid-State NMR.
Related Articles (13) C-Detected Through-Bond Correlation Experiments for Protein Resonance Assignment by Ultra-Fast MAS Solid-State NMR.
Chemphyschem. 2013 Apr 15;
Authors: Barbet-Massin E, Pell AJ, Knight MJ, Webber AL, Felli IC, Pierattelli R, Emsley L, Lesage A, Pintacuda G
We present two sequences which combine ((1) H,(15) N) and ((15) N,(13) C) selective cross-polarization steps with an efficient variant...
Journal club
04-17-2013 08:15 PM
[NMR paper] Structural studies of biomaterials using double-quantum solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
Structural studies of biomaterials using double-quantum solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
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Annu Rev Phys Chem. 2003;54:531-71
Authors: Drobny GP, Long JR, Karlsson T, Shaw W, Popham J, Oyler N, Bower P, Stringer J, Gregory D, Mehta M, Stayton PS
Proteins directly control the nucleation and growth of biominerals, but the details of molecular recognition at the protein-biomineral interface remain poorly understood. The elucidation of recognition...
Journal club
11-24-2010 08:49 PM
[NMR paper] Solid-state dipolar INADEQUATE NMR spectroscopy with a large double-quantum spectral
Solid-state dipolar INADEQUATE NMR spectroscopy with a large double-quantum spectral width.
Related Articles Solid-state dipolar INADEQUATE NMR spectroscopy with a large double-quantum spectral width.
J Magn Reson. 1999 Jan;136(1):86-91
Authors: Hong M
A technique for obtaining dipolar-mediated INADEQUATE NMR spectra with a large spectral window in the double-quantum dimension is presented. Using the dipolar recoupling sequence C7 to excite the double-quantum coherence under magic-angle spinning, the technique involves incrementing the...