NMR spectroscopy presents boundless opportunities for understanding the structure, dynamics, and function for a broad range of scientific applications. Solid-state NMR (SSNMR), in particular, provides novel insights into biological and material systems that are not amenable to other approaches. However, a major bottleneck is the extent of user training and the difficulty of obtaining reproducible, high-quality experimental results, especially for the sophisticated multidimensional pulse...
[NMR paper] Optimization of band-selective homonuclear dipolar recoupling in solid-state NMR by a numerical phase search.
Optimization of band-selective homonuclear dipolar recoupling in solid-state NMR by a numerical phase search.
Related Articles Optimization of band-selective homonuclear dipolar recoupling in solid-state NMR by a numerical phase search.
J Chem Phys. 2019 Apr 21;150(15):154201
Authors: Zhang Z, Liu H, Deng J, Tycko R, Yang J
Spin polarization transfers among aliphatic 13C nuclei, especially 13C?-13C? transfers, permit correlations of their nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) frequencies that are essential for signal...
Journal club
04-22-2019 06:11 PM
Automated projection spectroscopy in solid-state NMR
Automated projection spectroscopy in solid-state NMR
Given that solid-state NMR is being used for protein samples of increasing molecular weight and complexity, higher-dimensionality methods are likely to be more and more indispensable for unambiguous chemical shift assignments in the near future. In addition, solid-state NMR spectral properties are increasingly comparable with solution NMR, allowing adaptation of more sophisticated solution NMR strategies for the solid state in addition to the conventional methodology. Assessing first...
Journal club
11-25-2018 06:02 AM
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization/Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Membrane Polypeptides: Free-Radical Optimization for Matrix-Free Lipid Bilayer Samples #DNPNMR
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization/Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Membrane Polypeptides: Free-Radical Optimization for Matrix-Free Lipid Bilayer Samples #DNPNMR
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 36.0px; text-indent: -36.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica}
Salnikov, E.S., et al., Dynamic Nuclear Polarization/Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Membrane Polypeptides: Free-Radical Optimization for Matrix-Free Lipid Bilayer Samples. ChemPhysChem, 2017. 18(15): p. 2103-2113.
News from NMR blogs
09-25-2017 08:42 PM
[NMR paper] Guiding automated NMR structure determination using a global optimization metric, the NMR DP score.
Guiding automated NMR structure determination using a global optimization metric, the NMR DP score.
http://www.bionmr.com//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--production.springer.de-OnlineResources-Logos-springerlink.gif Related Articles Guiding automated NMR structure determination using a global optimization metric, the NMR DP score.
J Biomol NMR. 2015 Aug;62(4):439-51
Authors: Huang YJ, Mao B, Xu F, Montelione GT
ASDP is an automated NMR NOE assignment program. It uses a distinct bottom-up...
Journal club
06-18-2016 04:39 PM
Guiding automated NMR structure determination using a global optimization metric, the NMR DP score
Guiding automated NMR structure determination using a global optimization metric, the NMR DP score
ASDP is an automated NMR NOE assignment program. It uses a distinct bottom-up topology-constrained network anchoring approach for NOE interpretation, with 2D, 3D and/or 4D NOESY peak lists and resonance assignments as input, and generates unambiguous NOE constraints for iterative structure calculations. ASDP is designed to function interactively with various structure determination programs that use distance restraints to...
Journal club
06-17-2015 08:01 AM
[NMR paper] Optimization of cross-polarization at low radiofrequency fields for sensitivity enhancement in solid-state NMR of membrane proteins reconstituted in magnetically aligned bicelles
Optimization of cross-polarization at low radiofrequency fields for sensitivity enhancement in solid-state NMR of membrane proteins reconstituted in magnetically aligned bicelles
Publication date: Available online 28 April 2015
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
Author(s): Sophie N. Koroloff , Alexander A. Nevzorov</br>
Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) of oriented membrane proteins (MPs) is capable of providing structural and dynamic information at nearly physiological conditions. However, NMR experiments performed on oriented membrane proteins generally suffer from...
Journal club
04-28-2015 12:40 PM
Optimization of an absolute sensitivity in a glassy matrix during DNP-enhanced multidimensional solid-state NMR experiments
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Optimization of an absolute sensitivity in a glassy matrix during DNP-enhanced multidimensional solid-state NMR experiments
Takahashi, H., et al., Optimization of an absolute sensitivity in a glassy matrix during DNP-enhanced multidimensional solid-state NMR experiments. J Magn Reson, 2013. 239C(0): p. 91-99.
News from NMR blogs
02-10-2014 08:46 PM
Optimization of amino acid type-specific 13C and 15N labeling for the backbone assignment of membrane proteins by solution- and solid-state NMR with the UPLABEL algorithm
Optimization of amino acid type-specific 13C and 15N labeling for the backbone assignment of membrane proteins by solution- and solid-state NMR with the UPLABEL algorithm
Abstract We present a computational method for finding optimal labeling patterns for the backbone assignment of membrane proteins and other large proteins that cannot be assigned by conventional strategies. Following the approach of Kainosho and Tsuji (Biochemistry 21:6273â??6279 (1982)), types of amino acids are labeled with 13C or/and 15N such that cross peaks between 13CO(i â?? 1) and 15NH(i) result only for pairs...