Optimized precursor to simplify assignment transfer between backbone resonances and stereospecifically labelled valine and leucine methyl groups: application to human Hsp90 N-terminal domain
Optimized precursor to simplify assignment transfer between backbone resonances and stereospecifically labelled valine and leucine methyl groups: application to human Hsp90 N-terminal domain
Methyl moieties are highly valuable probes for quantitative NMR studies of large proteins. Hence, their assignment is of the utmost interest to obtain information on both interactions and dynamics of proteins in solution. Here, we present the synthesis of a new precursor that allows connection of leucine and valine pro-S methyl moieties to backbone atoms by linear 13C-chains. This optimized 2H/13C-labelled acetolactate precursor can be combined with existing 13C/2H-alanine and isoleucine precursors in order to directly transfer backbone assignment to the corresponding methyl groups. Using this simple approach leucine and valine pro-S methyl groups can be assigned using a single sample without requiring correction of 1H/2H isotopic shifts on 13C resonances. The approach was demonstrated on the N-terminal domain of human HSP90, for which complete assignment of Ala-β, Ile-δ1, Leu-δ2, Met-ε, Thr-γ and Val-γ2 methyl groups was obtained.
Complete assignment of Ala, Ile, Leu, Met and Val methyl groups of human blood group A and B glycosyltransferases using lanthanide-induced pseudocontact shifts and methylâ??methyl NOESY
Complete assignment of Ala, Ile, Leu, Met and Val methyl groups of human blood group A and B glycosyltransferases using lanthanide-induced pseudocontact shifts and methylâ??methyl NOESY
Human blood group A and B glycosyltransferases (GTA, GTB) are highly homologous glycosyltransferases. A number of high-resolution crystal structures is available showing that these enzymes convert from an open conformation into a catalytically active closed conformation upon substrate binding. However, the mechanism of glycosyltransfer is still under debate,...
Journal club
04-26-2018 04:36 PM
[NMR paper] CH3-specific NMR assignment of alanine, isoleucine, leucine and valine methyl groups in high molecular weight proteins using a single sample.
CH3-specific NMR assignment of alanine, isoleucine, leucine and valine methyl groups in high molecular weight proteins using a single sample.
Related Articles CH3-specific NMR assignment of alanine, isoleucine, leucine and valine methyl groups in high molecular weight proteins using a single sample.
J Biomol NMR. 2015 Nov 13;
Authors: Kerfah R, Hamelin O, Boisbouvier J, Marion D
A new strategy for the NMR assignment of aliphatic side-chains in large perdeuterated proteins is proposed. It involves an alternative isotopic...
Journal club
11-15-2015 07:55 PM
CH 3 -specific NMR assignment of alanine, isoleucine, leucine and valine methyl groups in high molecular weight proteins using a single sample
CH 3 -specific NMR assignment of alanine, isoleucine, leucine and valine methyl groups in high molecular weight proteins using a single sample
A new strategy for the NMR assignment of aliphatic side-chains in large perdeuterated proteins is proposed. It involves an alternative isotopic labeling protocol, the use of an out-and-back 13Câ??13C TOCSY experiment ((H)C-TOCSY-C-TOCSY-(C)H) and an optimized non-uniform sampling protocol. It has long been known that the non-linearity of an aliphatic spin-system (for example Ile, Val, or Leu)...
Journal club
11-14-2015 03:37 PM
[NMR paper] Specific (13)C labeling of leucine, valine and isoleucine methyl groups for unambiguous detection of long-range restraints in protein solid-state NMR studies.
Specific (13)C labeling of leucine, valine and isoleucine methyl groups for unambiguous detection of long-range restraints in protein solid-state NMR studies.
Specific (13)C labeling of leucine, valine and isoleucine methyl groups for unambiguous detection of long-range restraints in protein solid-state NMR studies.
J Magn Reson. 2015 Jan 6;252C:10-19
Authors: Fasshuber HK, Demers JP, Chevelkov V, Giller K, Becker S, Lange A
Here we present an isotopic labeling strategy to easily obtain unambiguous long-range...
Journal club
01-28-2015 05:28 PM
Specific 13C labeling of leucine, valine and isoleucine methyl groups for unambiguous detection of long-range restraints in protein solid-state NMR studies
Specific 13C labeling of leucine, valine and isoleucine methyl groups for unambiguous detection of long-range restraints in protein solid-state NMR studies
Publication date: Available online 6 January 2015
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
Author(s): Hannes Klaus Fasshuber , Jean-Philippe Demers , Veniamin Chevelkov , Karin Giller , Stefan Becker , Adam Lange</br>
Here we present an isotopic labeling strategy to easily obtain unambiguous long-range distance restraints in protein solid-state NMR studies. The method is based on the inclusion of two...
Journal club
01-07-2015 11:26 AM
Scrambling free combinatorial labeling of alanine-β, isoleucine-δ1, leucine-pro S and valine-pro S methyl groups for the detection of long range NOEs
Scrambling free combinatorial labeling of alanine-β, isoleucine-δ1, leucine-pro S and valine-pro S methyl groups for the detection of long range NOEs
Specific isotopic labeling of methyl groups in proteins has greatly extended the applicability of solution NMR spectroscopy. Simultaneous labeling of the methyl groups of several different amino acid types can offer a larger number of useful probes that can be used for structural characterisations of challenging proteins. Herein, we propose an improved AILV methyl-labeling protocol in which L...
Journal club
11-28-2014 11:37 AM
[NMR paper] Specific labeling and assignment strategies of valine methyl groups for NMR studies of high molecular weight proteins.
Specific labeling and assignment strategies of valine methyl groups for NMR studies of high molecular weight proteins.
http://www.bionmr.com//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--production.springer.de-OnlineResources-Logos-springerlink.gif Related Articles Specific labeling and assignment strategies of valine methyl groups for NMR studies of high molecular weight proteins.
J Biomol NMR. 2013 Sep 28;
Authors: Mas G, Crublet E, Hamelin O, Gans P, Boisbouvier J
The specific protonation of valine and leucine methyl...