[NMR paper] Observation of a Crossed Double beta-Turn in a Capped (D)Pro-Gly-Ala Tripeptide: One-to-One Correspondence between X-ray Crystallography, 2D-NMR, and Gas-Phase Laser Spectroscopy
Observation of a Crossed Double beta-Turn in a Capped (D)Pro-Gly-Ala Tripeptide: One-to-One Correspondence between X-ray Crystallography, 2D-NMR, and Gas-Phase Laser Spectroscopy
Herein, we report for the first time a direct correspondence between the observation of a ?-turn or a crossed double ?-turn in the Boc-^(D)Pro-Gly-Ala-NHBn-OMe (^(D)PGA) tripeptide by using a combination of X-ray crystallography, 2D-NMR spectroscopy, and gas-phase laser spectroscopy supported by quantum chemistry calculations. Type-II' and type-I double ?-turns, involving the ^(D)PG and GA moieties of ^(D)PGA, respectively, are observed in both condensed-phase and gas-phase experiments....
[NMR paper] Ligand-Capped Cobalt(II) Multiplies the Value of the Double-Histidine Motif for PCS NMR Studies
Ligand-Capped Cobalt(II) Multiplies the Value of the Double-Histidine Motif for PCS NMR Studies
In structural studies by NMR, pseudocontact shifts (PCSs) provide both angular and distance information. For proteins, incorporation of a di-histidine (diHis) motif, coordinated to Co^(2+), has emerged as an important tool to measure PCS. Here, we show that using different Co(II)-chelating ligands, such as nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and iminodiacetic acid (IDA), resolves the isosurface ambiguity of Co^(2+)-diHis and yields orthogonal PCS data sets with different ??-tensors for the same...
Journal club
02-15-2023 11:58 AM
[ASAP] X-ray Emission Spectroscopy as an in Situ Diagnostic Tool for X-ray Crystallography of Metalloproteins Using an X-ray Free-Electron Laser
X-ray Emission Spectroscopy as an in Situ Diagnostic Tool for X-ray Crystallography of Metalloproteins Using an X-ray Free-Electron Laser
DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00325
Journal club
06-29-2018 08:31 AM
Coherent evolution of parahydrogen induced polarisation using laser pump, NMR probe spectroscopy: Theoretical framework and experimental observation
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Coherent evolution of parahydrogen induced polarisation using laser pump, NMR probe spectroscopy: Theoretical framework and experimental observation
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Halse, M.E., et al., Coherent evolution of parahydrogen induced polarisation using laser pump, NMR probe spectroscopy: Theoretical framework and experimental observation. J Magn Reson, 2017. 278: p. 25-38.
News from NMR blogs
07-20-2017 08:40 AM
Identification of helix capping and beta-turn motifs from NMR chemical shifts
Identification of helix capping and beta-turn motifs from NMR chemical shifts
Abstract We present an empirical method for identification of distinct structural motifs in proteins on the basis of experimentally determined backbone and 13Cβ chemical shifts. Elements identified include the N-terminal and C-terminal helix capping motifs and five types of beta-turns: I, II, I', II' and VIII. Using a database of proteins of known structure, the NMR chemical shifts, together with the PDB-extracted amino acid preference of the helix capping and β-turn motifs are used as input data for...
Journal club
02-11-2012 10:31 AM
Solid-state NMR evidence for elastin-like beta-turn structure in spider dragline silk.
Solid-state NMR evidence for elastin-like beta-turn structure in spider dragline silk.
Solid-state NMR evidence for elastin-like beta-turn structure in spider dragline silk.
Chem Commun (Camb). 2010 Sep 28;46(36):6714-6
Authors: Jenkins JE, Creager MS, Butler EB, Lewis RV, Yarger JL, Holland GP
Two-dimensional homo- and heteronuclear solid-state MAS NMR experiments on (13)C/(15)N-proline labeled Argiope aurantia dragline silk provide evidence for an elastin-like beta-turn structure for the repetitive Gly-Pro-Gly-X-X motif prevalent in major...
Journal club
12-28-2010 03:31 PM
[NMR paper] Tendamistat (12-26) fragment. NMR characterization of isolated beta-turn folding inte
Tendamistat (12-26) fragment. NMR characterization of isolated beta-turn folding intermediates.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--www3.interscience.wiley.com-aboutus-images-wiley_interscience_pubmed_logo_FREE_120x27.gif Related Articles Tendamistat (12-26) fragment. NMR characterization of isolated beta-turn folding intermediates.
Eur J Biochem. 1991 Sep 1;200(2):345-51
Authors: Blanco FJ, Jiménez MA, Rico M, Santoro J, Herranz J, Nieto JL
In order to determine whether regions of a protein that are turns in the native...
Journal club
08-21-2010 11:12 PM
[NMR paper] Tendamistat (12-26) fragment. NMR characterization of isolated beta-turn folding inte
Tendamistat (12-26) fragment. NMR characterization of isolated beta-turn folding intermediates.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--www3.interscience.wiley.com-aboutus-images-wiley_interscience_pubmed_logo_FREE_120x27.gif Related Articles Tendamistat (12-26) fragment. NMR characterization of isolated beta-turn folding intermediates.
Eur J Biochem. 1991 Sep 1;200(2):345-51
Authors: Blanco FJ, Jiménez MA, Rico M, Santoro J, Herranz J, Nieto JL
In order to determine whether regions of a protein that are turns in the native...