Authors: Cho HS, Lee SY, Yan D, Pan X, Parkinson JS, Kustu S, Wemmer DE, Pelton JG
The CheY protein is the response regulator in bacterial chemotaxis. Phosphorylation of a conserved aspartyl residue induces structural changes that convert the protein from an inactive to an active state. The short half-life of the aspartyl-phosphate has precluded detailed structural analysis of the active protein. Persistent activation of Escherichia coli CheY was achieved by complexation with beryllofluoride (BeF(3)(-)) and the structure determined by NMR spectroscopy to a backbone r.m.s.d. of 0.58(+/-0.08) A. Formation of a hydrogen bond between the Thr87 OH group and an active site acceptor, presumably Asp57.BeF(3)(-), stabilizes a coupled rearrangement of highly conserved residues, Thr87 and Tyr106, along with displacement of beta4 and H4, to yield the active state. The coupled rearrangement may be a more general mechanism for activation of receiver domains.
[NMR paper] NMR backbone assignment of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase p38.
NMR backbone assignment of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase p38.
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11-25-2010 08:21 PM
[NMR paper] An NMR view of the folding process of a CheY mutant at the residue level.
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Structure. 2002 Sep;10(9):1173-1185
Authors: Garcia P, Serrano L, Rico M, Bruix M
The folding of CheY mutant F14N/V83T was studied at 75 residues by NMR. Fluorescence, NMR, and sedimentation equilibrium studies at different urea and protein concentrations reveal that the urea-induced unfolding of this CheY mutant includes an on-pathway molten globule-like intermediate that can...
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[NMR paper] NMR and SAXS characterization of the denatured state of the chemotactic protein CheY:
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Protein Sci. 2001 Jun;10(6):1100-12
Authors: Garcia P, Serrano L, Durand D, Rico M, Bruix M
The denatured state of a double mutant of the chemotactic protein CheY (F14N/V83T) has been analyzed in the presence of 5 M urea, using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and...
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J Biol Chem. 1993 Jun 25;268(18):13089-96
Authors: Bourret RB, Drake SK, Chervitz SA, Simon MI, Falke JJ
The Escherichia coli CheY protein is activated by phosphorylation,...
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[NMR paper] Activation of the phosphosignaling protein CheY. I. Analysis of the phosphorylated co
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J Biol Chem. 1993 Jun 25;268(18):13081-8
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08-21-2010 11:53 PM
[NMR paper] Biophysical investigations on L1210 mouse leukemia cells treated with activated cyclo
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