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Biochem Cell Biol. 1998;76(2-3):177-88
Authors: Song J, Ni F
Using the design of bivalent and bridge-binding inhibitors of thrombin as an example, we review an NMR-based experimental approach for the design of functional mimetics of protein-protein interactions. The strategy includes: (i) identification of binding residues in peptide ligands by differential resonance perturbation, (ii) determination of protein-bound structures of peptide ligands by use of transferred NOEs, (iii) minimization of larger protein and peptide ligands on the basis of NMR structural information, and (iv) linkage of two weakly binding mimetics to produce an inhibitor with enhanced affinity and specificity. This approach can be especially effective for the design of potent and selective functional mimetics of protein-protein interactions because it is less likely that the surfaces of two related proteins or enzymes share two identical binding sites or regions.
Exploring NMR ensembles of calcium binding proteins: perspectives to design inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.
Exploring NMR ensembles of calcium binding proteins: perspectives to design inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.
Exploring NMR ensembles of calcium binding proteins: perspectives to design inhibitors of protein-protein interactions.
BMC Struct Biol. 2011 May 12;11(1):24
Authors: Isvoran A, Badel A, Craescu CT, Miron S, Miteva MA
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Disrupting protein-protein interactions by small organic molecules is nowadays a promising strategy employed to block protein targets involved in different pathologies. However, structural...
Journal club
05-17-2011 06:21 PM
[NMR paper] Cell-free protein synthesis in an autoinduction system for NMR studies of protein-protein interactions.
Cell-free protein synthesis in an autoinduction system for NMR studies of protein-protein interactions.
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J Biomol NMR. 2005 Jul;32(3):235-41
Authors: Ozawa K, Jergic S, Crowther JA, Thompson PR, Wijffels G, Otting G, Dixon NA
Cell-free protein synthesis systems provide facile access to proteins in a nascent state that enables formation of soluble, native protein-protein complexes even if one of the protein components is prone...
Journal club
12-01-2010 06:56 PM
Fluorine-Protein Interactions and (19)F NMR Isotropic Chemical Shifts: An Empirical Correlation with Implications for Drug Design.
Fluorine-Protein Interactions and (19)F NMR Isotropic Chemical Shifts: An Empirical Correlation with Implications for Drug Design.
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ChemMedChem. 2010 Nov 29;
Authors: Dalvit C, Vulpetti A
An empirical correlation between the fluorine isotropic chemical shifts, measured by (19)F NMR spectroscopy, and the type of fluorine-protein interactions observed in crystal structures is presented. The CF, CF(2), and...
Journal club
12-01-2010 04:41 PM
[NMR paper] Design of a functional protein for molecular recognition: specificity of ligand bindi
Design of a functional protein for molecular recognition: specificity of ligand binding in a metal-assembled protein cavity probed by 19f NMR.
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J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Apr 7;126(13):4192-8
Authors: Doerr AJ, Case MA, Pelczer I, McLendon GL
A metal-assembled homotrimeric coiled coil based on the GCN4-p1 sequence has been designed that noncovalently binds hexafluorobenzene and other similar...
Journal club
11-24-2010 09:51 PM
[NMR paper] Dissecting functional interactions in coagulation protein complexes by use of NMR spe
Dissecting functional interactions in coagulation protein complexes by use of NMR spectroscopy.
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Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2002 Jun;3(3):275-85
Authors: Tolkatchev D, Koutychenko A, Ni F
The blood coagulation cascade can be considered as a system of well-orchestrated protein activation reactions involving and leading to the formation of large macromolecular assemblies. NMR investigations performed during the last six years have focused...
Journal club
11-24-2010 08:49 PM
[NMR paper] Two distinct protein-protein interactions between the NIT2 and NMR regulatory protein
Two distinct protein-protein interactions between the NIT2 and NMR regulatory proteins are required to establish nitrogen metabolite repression in Neurospora crassa.
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Mol Microbiol. 1997 Nov;26(4):721-9
Authors: Pan H, Feng B, Marzluf GA
Nitrogen metabolism is a highly regulated process in Neurospora crassa. The structural genes that encode nitrogen catabolic...
Journal club
08-22-2010 05:08 PM
Postdoctoral position to study Protein-Protein Interactions and their role in Mechanisms of Signal Transduction using protein solution NMR/x-ray crystallography are advertising a postdoc NMR position. It sounds pretty interesting.
Postdoctoral position to study Protein-Protein Interactions and their role in Mechanisms of Signal Transduction using protein solution NMR /x-ray crystallography
Case Medical School, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
How are signaling events transmitted from one protein to another? To answer this question we are looking to add a postdoctoral co-workers to our interdisciplinary team. Our interest is to understand protein-protein interactions, protein structure and dynamics in the context of cell signaling...