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Anal Chem. 2013 Jan 22;
Authors: Jiang B, Luo F, Ding Y, Sun P, Zhang X, Jiang L, Li C, Mao XA, Yang D, Tang C, Liu M
As a powerful tool for biological analysis, especially protein structure and dynamic studies, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy suffers from intrinsic low signal to nose ratio (SNR) and long acquisition time required for multidimensional (nD) experiments. Non-uniform sampling (NUS) can effectively speed up the experiment, but often introduces artifacts into spectrum. In addition to development of high sensitive hardwares and NMR pulse sequences, data post-processing is a relative simple and cost-effective method to improve the SNR and suppress the artifacts. In this work, we proposed an effective approach for simultaneously suppressing noise and artifacts based on the resampling principle The method is named NASR for short and tested using one-, two- and three-dimensional (1D, 2D & 3D) NMR spectra that were acquired using ether conventional or NUS (spiral and random, for 3D) approaches. The results reveal that the NASR is fast and applicable for improving the quality of 1D to nD NMR spectra with all kind of sampling schemes.
PMID: 23339579 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Singular spectrum analysis for an automated solvent artifact removal and baseline correction of 1D NMR spectra.
Singular spectrum analysis for an automated solvent artifact removal and baseline correction of 1D NMR spectra.
Singular spectrum analysis for an automated solvent artifact removal and baseline correction of 1D NMR spectra.
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04-05-2011 10:22 PM
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[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] How to fix the broad antiphase artifact after SOL function in nmrPipe?
How to fix the broad antiphase artifact after SOL function in nmrPipe?
Hi, we've tried to apply SOL function of nmrPipe to process a 3D 13C edited NOESY. and the result is a wide antiphase-looking peak on water resonance that strongly distorts the baseline.
Would you have any idea what might be causing this? First image is a screenshot of data using SOL processing step and the second one was prepared without SOL.
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09-24-2010 07:36 PM
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Abstract Strong solvent signals lead to a disappearance of weak protein signals close to the solvent resonance frequency and to base plane variations all over the spectrum. AUREMOL-SSA provides an automated approach for solvent artifact removal from multidimensional NMR protein spectra. Its core algorithm is based on singular spectrum analysis (SSA) in the time domain and is combined with an automated base plane correction in the frequency domain. The performance of the method has been tested on synthetic and experimental spectra including two-dimensional NOESY and TOCSY spectra and a...