[NMR paper] Development of in vitro-grown spheroids as a 3D tumor model system for solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
Development of in vitro-grown spheroids as a 3D tumor model system for solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
http://www.bionmr.com//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--production.springer.de-OnlineResources-Logos-springerlink.gif Related Articles Development of in vitro-grown spheroids as a 3D tumor model system for solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
J Biomol NMR. 2020 Jun 19;:
Authors: Damman R, Lucini Paioni A, Xenaki KT, Beltrán Hernández I, van Bergen En Henegouwen PMP, Baldus M
Recent advances in the field of...
Journal club
06-22-2020 10:19 PM
Development of in vitro-grown spheroids as a 3D tumor model system for solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Development of in vitro-grown spheroids as a 3D tumor model system for solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Recent advances in the field of in-cell NMR spectroscopy have made it possible to study proteins in the context of bacterial or mammalian cell extracts or even entire cells. As most mammalian cells are part of a multi-cellular complex, there is a need to develop novel NMR approaches enabling the study of proteins within the complexity of a 3D cellular environment. Here we investigate the use of the hanging drop method to grow spheroids which...
Journal club
06-20-2020 03:40 PM
[NMR paper] An NMR-based biosensor to measure stereo-specific methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSR) activities in vitro and in vivo.
An NMR-based biosensor to measure stereo-specific methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSR) activities in vitro and in vivo.
Related Articles An NMR-based biosensor to measure stereo-specific methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSR) activities in vitro and in vivo.
Chemistry. 2020 Jun 05;:
Authors: Sanchez-Lopez C, Labadie N, Lombardo V, Biglione F, Manta B, Jacob R, Gladyshev V, Abdelilah-Seyfried S, Selenko P, Binolfi A
Oxidation of protein methionines to methionine-sulfoxides (MetOx) is associated with several age-related...
Journal club
06-06-2020 04:36 PM
In vitro and in vivo protein release and anti-ischemia/ reperfusion injury properties of bone morphogenetic protein ... - Dove Medical Press
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In vitro and in vivo protein release and anti-ischemia/ reperfusion injury properties of bone morphogenetic protein ...
Dove Medical Press
The final product was measured with 1H nuclear magnetic resonance. GA-PEG-b-PLL nanocarrier could combine with BMP-2 through electrostatic interaction to form polyion complex (PIC) micelles. BMP-2 could be rapidly and efficiently encapsulated through ...
In vitro and in vivo protein release and anti-ischemia/ reperfusion injury properties of bone morphogenetic protein ... - Dove Medical Press
Online News
10-18-2017 05:07 PM
[NMR paper] Proximity-triggered covalent stabilization of low-affinity protein complexes in vitro and in vivo
Proximity-triggered covalent stabilization of low-affinity protein complexes in vitro and in vivo
The characterization of low-affinity protein complexes is challenging due to their dynamic nature. Here we present a method to stabilize transient protein complexes in vivo by generating a covalent and conformationally flexible bridge between the interaction partners. A highly active pyrrolysyl tRNA synthetase mutant directs the incorporation of unnatural amino acids bearing bromoalkyl moieties (BrCnK) into proteins. We demonstrate for the first time that low-affinity protein complexes...
Journal club
09-28-2017 07:57 PM
Fumarase activity: an in vivo and in vitro biomarker for acute kidney injury
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Fumarase activity: an in vivo and in vitro biomarker for acute kidney injury
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 36.0px; text-indent: -36.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica}
Nielsen, P.M., et al., Fumarase activity: an in vivo and in vitro biomarker for acute kidney injury. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7: p. 40812.
News from NMR blogs
05-09-2017 12:37 AM
[NMR paper] Orthogonal spin labeling using click chemistry for in vitro and in vivo applications
Orthogonal spin labeling using click chemistry for in vitro and in vivo applications
Publication date: Available online 2 December 2016
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
Author(s): Svetlana Kucher, Sergei Korneev, Swati Tyagi, Ronja Apfelbaum, Dina Grohmann, Edward A. Lemke, Johann P. Klare, Heinz-Jürgen Steinhoff, Daniel Klose</br>
Site-directed spin labeling for EPR- and NMR spectroscopy has mainly been achieved exploiting the specific reactivity of cysteines. For proteins with native cysteines or for in vivo applications, an alternative...
Journal club
12-03-2016 02:09 PM
[NMR paper] In vivo and in vitro metabolism of a novel ?2-adrenoceptor agonist, trantinterol: metabolites isolation and identification by LC-MS/MS and NMR.
In vivo and in vitro metabolism of a novel ?2-adrenoceptor agonist, trantinterol: metabolites isolation and identification by LC-MS/MS and NMR.
http://www.bionmr.com//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--production.springer.de-OnlineResources-Logos-springerlink.gif Related Articles In vivo and in vitro metabolism of a novel ?2-adrenoceptor agonist, trantinterol: metabolites isolation and identification by LC-MS/MS and NMR.
Anal Bioanal Chem. 2013 Mar;405(8):2619-34
Authors: Li K, Qin F, Jing L, Li F, Guo X