Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are best described by ensembles of conformations and a variety of approaches have been developed to determine IDP ensembles. Because of the large number of conformations, however, cross-validation of the determined ensembles by independent experimental data is crucial. The 1JCαHα coupling constant is particularly suited for cross-validation, because it has a large magnitude and mostly depends on the often less accessible dihedral angle Ï?. Here, we reinvestigated the connection between 1JCαHα values and protein backbone dihedral angles. We show that accurate amino-acid specific random coil values of the 1JCαHα coupling constant, in combination with a reparameterized empirical Karplus-type equation, allow for reliable cross-validation of molecular ensembles of IDPs.
VisualizingUnresolved Scalar Couplings by Real-Time J-UpscaledNMR
VisualizingUnresolved Scalar Couplings by Real-Time J-UpscaledNMR
Simon Glanzer and Klaus Zangger
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b01687
Journal club
04-13-2015 09:11 PM
[NMR paper] Detection of a transient intramolecular hydrogen bond using 1JNH scalar couplings
Detection of a transient intramolecular hydrogen bond using 1JNH scalar couplings
Publication date: Available online 18 April 2014
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
Author(s): ShengQi Xiang , Markus Zweckstetter</br>
Hydrogen bonds are essential for the structure, stability and folding of proteins. The identification of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, however, is challenging, in particular in transiently folded states. Here we studied the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds in the folding nucleus of the coiled-coil structure of the GCN4 leucine zipper....
Journal club
04-18-2014 01:35 PM
[NMR paper] A Computational Study of the Effects of (13) C-(13) C Scalar Couplings on (13) C CEST NMR Spectra: Towards Studies on a Uniformly (13) C-Labeled Protein.
A Computational Study of the Effects of (13) C-(13) C Scalar Couplings on (13) C CEST NMR Spectra: Towards Studies on a Uniformly (13) C-Labeled Protein.
A Computational Study of the Effects of (13) C-(13) C Scalar Couplings on (13) C CEST NMR Spectra: Towards Studies on a Uniformly (13) C-Labeled Protein.
Chembiochem. 2013 Jun 19;
Authors: Vallurupalli P, Bouvignies G, Kay LE
Read the label: The NMR CEST experiment can be used to reconstruct spectra of sparsely populated, transiently formed protein conformers so long as...
Journal club
06-21-2013 01:10 PM
A General Method for Constructing Atomic-ResolutionRNA Ensembles using NMR Residual Dipolar Couplings: The Basis forInterhelical Motions Revealed
A General Method for Constructing Atomic-ResolutionRNA Ensembles using NMR Residual Dipolar Couplings: The Basis forInterhelical Motions Revealed
Loi?c Salmon, Gavin Bascom, Ioan Andricioaei and Hashim M. Al-Hashimi
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja400920w
Journal club
03-29-2013 07:07 AM
Improved accuracy in measuring one-bond and two-bond 15N,13Cα coupling constants in proteins by double-inphase/antiphase (DIPAP) spectroscopy
Improved accuracy in measuring one-bond and two-bond 15N,13Cα coupling constants in proteins by double-inphase/antiphase (DIPAP) spectroscopy
Abstract An extension to HN(CO-α/β-N,Cα-J)-TROSY (Permi and Annila in J Biomol NMR 16:221â??227, 2000) is proposed that permits the simultaneous determination of the four coupling constants 1 J Nâ?²(i)Cα(i), 2 J HN(i)Cα(i), 2 J Cα(iâ??1)Nâ?²(i), and 3 J Cα(iâ??1)HN(i) in 15N,13C-labeled proteins. Contrasting the original scheme, in which two separate subspectra exhibit the 2 J CαNâ?² coupling as inphase and antiphase splitting (IPAP), we...
Journal club
06-10-2011 01:41 AM
[NMR paper] NMR scalar couplings across Watson-Crick base pair hydrogen bonds in DNA observed by
NMR scalar couplings across Watson-Crick base pair hydrogen bonds in DNA observed by transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy.
Related Articles NMR scalar couplings across Watson-Crick base pair hydrogen bonds in DNA observed by transverse relaxation-optimized spectroscopy.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Nov 24;95(24):14147-51
Authors: Pervushin K, Ono A, Fernández C, Szyperski T, Kainosho M, Wüthrich K
This paper describes the NMR observation of 15N---15N and 1H---15N scalar couplings across the hydrogen bonds in Watson-Crick base pairs...
Journal club
11-17-2010 11:15 PM
MQ-HNCO-TROSY for the measurement of scalar and residual dipolar couplings in larger
Abstract We describe a novel pulse sequence, MQ-HNCO-TROSY, for the measurement of scalar and residual dipolar couplings between amide proton and nitrogen in larger proteins. The experiment utilizes the whole 2TN polarization transfer delay for labeling of 15N chemical shift in a constant time manner, which efficiently doubles the attainable resolution in 15N dimension with respect to the conventional HNCO-TROSY experiment. In addition, the accordion principle is employed for measuring (J + D)NHs, and the multiplet components are selected with the generalized version of the TROSY scheme...
Journal club
08-14-2010 04:19 AM
S3EPY: a Sparky extension for determination of small scalar couplings from spin-state
Abstract S3EPY is a Python extension to the program Sparky written to facilitate the assessment of coupling constants from in-phase/antiphase and spin-state-selective excitation (S3E) experiments. It enables the routine use of small scalar couplings by automating the coupling evaluation procedure. S3EPY provides an integrated graphical user interface to programs which outputs graphs and the table of determined couplings.
Content Type Journal Article
DOI 10.1007/s10858-009-9392-1
Petr Novák, Masaryk University National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science...