Heteronuclear and homonuclear direct (D) and indirect (J) spinā??spin interactions are important sources of structural information about nucleic acids (NAs). The Hamiltonians for the D and J interactions have the same functional form; thus, the experimentally measured apparent spinā??spin coupling constant corresponds to a sum of J and D. In biomolecular NMR studies, it is commonly presumed that the dipolar contributions to Js are effectively canceled due to random molecular tumbling. However, in strong magnetic fields, such as those employed for NMR analysis, the tumbling of NA fragments is anisotropic because the inherent magnetic susceptibility of NAs causes an interaction with the external magnetic field. This motional anisotropy is responsible for non-zero D contributions to Js. Here, we calculated the field-induced D contributions to 33 structurally relevant scalar coupling constants as a function of magnetic field strength, temperature and NA fragment size. We identified two classes of Js, namely 1JCH and 3JHH couplings, whose quantitative interpretation is notably biased by NA motional anisotropy. For these couplings, the magnetic field-induced dipolar contributions were found to exceed the typical experimental error in J-coupling determinations by a factor of two or more and to produce considerable over- or under-estimations of the J coupling-related torsion angles, especially at magnetic field strengths >12Ā*T and for NA fragments longer than 12Ā*bp. We show that if the non-zero D contributions to J are not properly accounted for, they might cause structural artifacts/bias in NA studies that use solution NMR spectroscopy.
[NMR images] alignment of protons in a spinning nucleus in a static magnetic field
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xzA3dAIYcxY/TCkUTUW2rCI/AAAAAAAABLA/MMDEmeg5w_E/s1600/alignment of protons in a spinning nucleus in a static magnetic field.gif
16/03/2014 4:10:16 PM GMT
alignment of protons in a spinning nucleus in a static magnetic field
Characterizing Slow Chemical Exchange in Nucleic Acids by Carbon CEST and Low Spin-Lock Field R1? NMR Spectroscopy
Characterizing Slow Chemical Exchange in Nucleic Acids by Carbon CEST and Low Spin-Lock Field R1? NMR Spectroscopy
Bo Zhao, Alexandar L. Hansen and Qi Zhang
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja409835y
Journal club
12-19-2013 05:34 AM
[NMR paper] NMR studies of nucleic acid dynamics.
NMR studies of nucleic acid dynamics.
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Journal club
11-24-2010 09:25 PM
alignment in a magnetic field
hi all,
I have a general question about alignment in a magnetic field.
For me, alignment in alignment media is easier to grasp because of interactions that I am familiar with as a chemist.
But, whats the principle behind molecules that align in a magnetic field?
There are a lot of examples like cyanometmyoglobin (from the Prestegard paper) where paramagnetic susceptibility plays a role. Thats understandable from my side.
But what about for instance short DNA dimers (helices), collagen gels or bacteriophages?
I could not really find a nice (clear to me) explanation, why these...