Three experiments, BESTâ??TROSY HNCA+, HNCO+ and HNCACB+ are presented for sequential backbone resonance assignment of 13C, 15N labelled proteins. The novelty of these experiments with respect to conventional pulse sequences is the detection of additional orthogonal coherence transfer pathways that results in enhanced sensitivity for sequential correlations without significantly compromising the intensity of intra-residue correlation peaks. In addition, a 2-step phase cycle separates peaks originating from the orthogonal coherence transfer pathways in 2 sub-spectra, thus providing similar information as obtained from performing a pair of sequential and intra-residue correlation experiments.
[NMR Sparky Yahoo group] Strip plots with HNCA and HNCO
Strip plots with HNCA and HNCO
Hi, when I use the sp command with HNCO (and HNCACO) and HNCA (and HNCOCA) the strips are not contiguous since the C13 chemical shifts are very different. Is
News from other NMR forums
05-18-2013 09:42 PM
Estimating side-chain order in methyl-protonated, perdeuterated proteins via multiple-quantum relaxation violated coherence transfer NMR spectroscopy
Estimating side-chain order in methyl-protonated, perdeuterated proteins via multiple-quantum relaxation violated coherence transfer NMR spectroscopy
Abstract Relaxation violated coherence transfer NMR spectroscopy (Tugarinov et al. in J Am Chem Soc 129:1743â??1750, 2007) is an established experimental tool for quantitative estimation of the amplitudes of side-chain motions in methyl-protonated, highly deuterated proteins. Relaxation violated coherence transfer experiments monitor the build-up of methyl proton multiple-quantum coherences that can be created in magnetically equivalent...
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02-11-2012 10:31 AM
Multi-dimensional NMR without coherence transfer: Minimizing losses in large systems.
Multi-dimensional NMR without coherence transfer: Minimizing losses in large systems.
Multi-dimensional NMR without coherence transfer: Minimizing losses in large systems.
J Magn Reson. 2011 Jul 21;
Authors: Liu Y, Prestegard JH
Most multi-dimensional solution NMR experiments connect one dimension to another using coherence transfer steps that involve evolution under scalar couplings. While experiments of this type have been a boon to biomolecular NMR the need to work on ever larger systems pushes the limits of these procedures. Spin relaxation...
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08-13-2011 12:57 PM
Reaction Pathways of Proton Transfer in Hydrogen-Bonded Phenol–Carboxylate Complexes Explored by Combined UV–Vis and NMR Spectroscopy
Reaction Pathways of Proton Transfer in Hydrogen-Bonded Phenol–Carboxylate Complexes Explored by Combined UV–Vis and NMR Spectroscopy
Benjamin Koeppe, Peter M. Tolstoy and Hans-Heinrich Limbach
Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/ja201113a
Journal club
05-03-2011 05:18 AM
HNCA-TOCSY-CANH experiments with alternate 13C-12C labeling: a set of 3D experiment w
HNCA-TOCSY-CANH experiments with alternate 13C-12C labeling: a set of 3D experiment with unique supra-sequential information for mainchain resonance assignment
Abstract Described here is a set of three-dimensional (3D) NMR experiments that rely on CACA-TOCSY magnetization transfer via the weak
3 \textJ\textCa\textCa coupling. These pulse sequences, which resemble recently described 13C detected CACA-TOCSY (Takeuchi et al. 2010) experiments, are recorded in 1H2O, and use 1H excitation and detection. These experiments require alternate 13C-12C labeling together with perdeuteration,...
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11-27-2010 07:34 PM
[NMR paper] 3D TROSY-HNCA(coded)CB and TROSY-HNCA(coded)CO experiments: triple resonance NMR expe
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J Biomol NMR. 2004 Mar;28(3):289-94
Authors: Ritter C, Lührs T, Kwiatkowski W, Riek R
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J Magn Reson. 1999 Aug;139(2):439-42
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An improved method for TROSY-type (Pervushin et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 12366-12371 (1997)) heteronuclear two-dimensional correlation involving protons of negligible CSA is presented. Rather than applying a simple INEPT sequence for back-transfer to...