Proteins display a wealth of dynamical motions that can be probed using both experiments and simulations. We present an approach to integrate side-chain NMR relaxation measurements with molecular dynamics simulations to study the structure and dynamics of these motions. The approach, which we term ABSURDer (average block selection using relaxation data with entropy restraints), can be used to find a set of trajectories that are in agreement with relaxation measurements. We apply the method to...
[NMR paper] On the Use of Side-Chain NMR Relaxation Data to Derive Structural and Dynamical Information on Proteins: A Case Study using Hen Lysozyme.
On the Use of Side-Chain NMR Relaxation Data to Derive Structural and Dynamical Information on Proteins: A Case Study using Hen Lysozyme. Related Articles On the Use of Side-Chain NMR Relaxation Data to Derive Structural and Dynamical Information on Proteins: A Case Study using Hen Lysozyme.
Chembiochem. 2020 Nov 04;:
Authors: Smith LJ, van Gunsteren WF, Hansen N
Values of S2CH and S2NH order...
Journal club
11-07-2020 03:20 PM
[NMR paper] Side Chain Dynamics of the Trifluoroacetone Cysteine Derivative Characterized by 19F NMR Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Side Chain Dynamics of the Trifluoroacetone Cysteine Derivative Characterized by 19F NMR Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
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J Phys Chem B. 2019 Apr 11;:
Authors: Rashid S, Lee BL, Wajda B, Spyracopoulos L
19F NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the study of the structures, dynamics, and interactions of proteins bearing cysteine residues chemically...
[ASAP] Lysine Side-Chain Dynamics in the Binding Site of Homeodomain/DNA Complexes As Observed by NMR Relaxation Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Lysine Side-Chain Dynamics in the Binding Site of Homeodomain/DNA Complexes As Observed by NMR Relaxation Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00195
Journal club
05-01-2018 10:57 PM
[NMR paper] Lysine Side-Chain Dynamics in the Binding Site of Homeodomain/DNA Complexes as Observed by NMR Relaxation Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Lysine Side-Chain Dynamics in the Binding Site of Homeodomain/DNA Complexes as Observed by NMR Relaxation Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
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Biochemistry. 2018 Apr 17;:
Authors: Baird-Titus JM, Thapa M, Doerdelmann T, Combs KA, Rance M
An important but poorly characterized contribution to the thermodynamics of protein-DNA interactions is...
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04-18-2018 01:41 PM
NMR Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Side Chain Dynamics in Proteins
NMR Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Side Chain Dynamics in Proteins
Publication date: 2 February 2018
Source:Biophysical Journal, Volume 114, Issue 3, Supplement 1</br>
Author(s): Falk Hoffmann, Mengjun Xue, Frans Mulder, Lars Schäfer</br>
Journal club
02-07-2018 03:41 PM
15N-NMR relaxation data of protein fitting with Modelfree anaylsis
HELLO Every one
my question is ,, i fitted my data on modelfree ,,i get output file mfout
which one is best value for order parameter (S2, S2F,S2S,) in this two
1- fit value ---
in these two which one i write in my data
NMR Questions and Answers
08-11-2011 05:14 PM
[NMR paper] Main chain and side chain dynamics of a heme protein: 15N and 2H NMR relaxation studi
Main chain and side chain dynamics of a heme protein: 15N and 2H NMR relaxation studies of R. capsulatus ferrocytochrome c2.
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Biochemistry. 2001 Jun 5;40(22):6559-69
Authors: Flynn PF, Bieber Urbauer RJ, Zhang H, Lee AL, Wand AJ
A detailed characterization of the main chain and side chain dynamics in R. capsulatus ferrocytochrome c(2) derived from (2)H NMR relaxation of methyl group resonances is...