The development of methyl transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy has greatly facilitated the study of macromolecular assemblies by solution NMR spectroscopy. However, limited sample solubility and stability has hindered application of this technique to ongoing studies of complexes formed on membranes by the neuronal SNAREs that mediate neurotransmitter release and synaptotagmin-1, the Ca2+ sensor that triggers release. Since the 1H NMR signal of a tBu group attached to a large protein or complex can be observed with high sensitivity if the group retains high mobility, we have explored the use of this strategy to analyze presynaptic complexes involved in neurotransmitter release. For this purpose, we attached tBu groups at single cysteines of fragments of synaptotagmin-1, complexin-1 and the neuronal SNAREs by reaction with 5-(tert-butyldisulfaneyl)-2-nitrobenzoic acid (BDSNB), tBu iodoacetamide or tBu acrylate. The tBu resonances of the tagged proteins were generally sharp and intense, although tBu groups attached with BDSNB had a tendency to exhibit somewhat broader resonances that likely result because of the shorter linkage between the tBu and the tagged cysteine. Incorporation of the tagged proteins into complexes on nanodiscs led to severe broadening of the tBu resonances in some cases. However, sharp tBu resonances could readily be observed for some complexes of more than 200Â*kDa at low micromolar concentrations. Our results show that tagging of proteins with tBu groups provides a powerful approach to study large biomolecular assemblies of limited stability and/or solubility that may be applicable even at nanomolar concentrations.
[NMR paper] Perfluoro-tert-Butyl Hydroxyprolines as Sensitive, Conformationally Responsive Molecular Probes: Detection of Protein Kinase Activity by 19F NMR.
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