Some recent advances in biomolecular simulation and global optimization have used hybrid restraint potentials, where harmonic restraints that penalize conformations inconsistent with experimental data are combined with molecular mechanics force fields. These hybrid potentials can be used to improve the performance of molecular dynamics, structure prediction, energy landscape sampling, and other computational methods that rely on the accuracy of the underlying force field. Here, we develop a...
[NMR paper] Fitting Side-Chain NMR Relaxation Data Using Molecular Simulations
Fitting Side-Chain NMR Relaxation Data Using Molecular Simulations
Proteins display a wealth of dynamical motions that can be probed using both experiments and simulations. We present an approach to integrate side-chain NMR relaxation measurements with molecular dynamics simulations to study the structure and dynamics of these motions. The approach, which we term ABSURDer (average block selection using relaxation data with entropy restraints), can be used to find a set of trajectories that are in agreement with relaxation measurements. We apply the method to...
Journal club
07-23-2021 01:54 AM
[NMR paper] Can Simulations and Modeling Decipher NMR Data for Conformational Equilibria? Arginine-Vasopressin.
Can Simulations and Modeling Decipher NMR Data for Conformational Equilibria? Arginine-Vasopressin. Related Articles Can Simulations and Modeling Decipher NMR Data for Conformational Equilibria? Arginine-Vasopressin.
J Chem Inf Model. 2016 Sep 26;56(9):1798-807
Authors: Haensele E, Saleh N, Read CM, Banting L, Whitley DC, Clark T
Journal club
08-02-2017 02:19 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] incorporating fluorine into proteins
incorporating fluorine into proteins
I was considering the possibility of trying some fluorine NMR and was wanting to know if anyone knew any simple ways of incorporating Fluorine probes into my protein relatively cheaply or using E.coli. I would be particularly interested in using fluro-tryptophan for dual use as NMR and florescence probes. Also does anyone have a feel for the size limitations of 19F probes literature always quotes around 100KDa but is it possible to go considerably higher, say 500?
any advice would be great
News from other NMR forums
02-02-2012 09:43 PM
Compressed sensing and the reconstruction of ultrafast 2D NMR data: Principles and biomolecular applications.
Compressed sensing and the reconstruction of ultrafast 2D NMR data: Principles and biomolecular applications.
Compressed sensing and the reconstruction of ultrafast 2D NMR data: Principles and biomolecular applications.
J Magn Reson. 2011 Apr;209(2):352-8
Authors: Shrot Y, Frydman L
A topic of active investigation in 2D NMR relates to the minimum number of scans required for acquiring this kind of spectra, particularly when these are dictated by sampling rather than by sensitivity considerations. Reductions in this minimum number of scans have...
CONNJUR - open source integration environment for biomolecular NMR data analysis
CONNJUR Project website
The CONNJUR Project is developing an open source integration environment for biomolecular NMR data analysis. CONNJUR software is a workflow generator, based on legacy NMR analysis applications, that is being developed as Open Source Software -- it is perpetually free for anyone to use, modify and distribute.
CONNJUR is developed by a community of NMR spectroscopists and scientific programmers who aim to create and maintain NMR analysis tools bounded by the goals of excellent end-product, free of charge, open source software using the...
NMR software
11-01-2010 07:45 PM
Biomolecular NMR data analysis.
Biomolecular NMR data analysis.
Related Articles Biomolecular NMR data analysis.
Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc. 2010 May;56(4):329-45
Authors: Gryk MR, Vyas J, Maciejewski MW
Journal club
10-19-2010 04:51 PM
Biomolecular NMR Data Analysis
Biomolecular NMR Data Analysis
Publication year: 2010
Source: Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 2 March 2010</br>
Michael R., Gryk , Jay, Vyas , Mark W., Maciejewski</br>