We present a pulse scheme that exploits methyl 1H triple-quantum (TQ) coherences for the measurement of diffusion rates of slowly diffusing molecules in solution. It is based on the well-known stimulated echo experiment, with encoding and decoding of TQ coherences. The size of quantifiable diffusion coefficients is thus lowered by an order of magnitude with respect to single-quantum (SQ) approaches. Notably, the sensitivity of the scheme is high, approximately ¾ that of the corresponding single quantum experiment, neglecting relaxation losses, and on the order of a factor of 4 more sensitive than a previously published sequence for AX3 spin systems (Zheng et al. in JMR 198:271â??274, 2009) for molecules that are only 13C labeled at the methyl carbon position. Diffusion coefficients measured from TQ- and SQ-based experiments recorded on a range of protein samples are in excellent agreement. We present an application of this technique to the study of phase-separated proteins where protein concentrations in the condensed phase can exceed 400Â*mg/mL, diffusion coefficients can be as low as ~10â??9 cm2sâ??1 and traditional SQ experiments fail.
[NMR paper] Theoretical analysis of geometry and NMR isotope shift in hydrogen-bonding center of photoactive yellow protein by combination of multicomponent quantum mechanics and ONIOM scheme.
Theoretical analysis of geometry and NMR isotope shift in hydrogen-bonding center of photoactive yellow protein by combination of multicomponent quantum mechanics and ONIOM scheme.
Theoretical analysis of geometry and NMR isotope shift in hydrogen-bonding center of photoactive yellow protein by combination of multicomponent quantum mechanics and ONIOM scheme.
J Chem Phys. 2014 Nov 14;141(18):185101
Authors: Kanematsu Y, Tachikawa M
Multicomponent quantum mechanical (MC_QM) calculation has been extended with ONIOM (our...
Journal club
11-17-2014 12:48 PM
[NMR paper] Measuring translational diffusion coefficients of peptides and proteins by PFG-NMR using band-selective RF pulses.
Measuring translational diffusion coefficients of peptides and proteins by PFG-NMR using band-selective RF pulses.
http://www.bionmr.com//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--production.springer.de-OnlineResources-Logos-springerlink.gif Related Articles Measuring translational diffusion coefficients of peptides and proteins by PFG-NMR using band-selective RF pulses.
Eur Biophys J. 2014 May 14;
Authors: Yao S, Weber DK, Separovic F, Keizer DW
Molecular translational self-diffusion, a measure of diffusive...
Journal club
05-16-2014 08:06 PM
[NMR paper] Magic-Angle-Spinning NMR Techniques for Measuring Long-Range Distances in Biological Macromolecules.
Magic-Angle-Spinning NMR Techniques for Measuring Long-Range Distances in Biological Macromolecules.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--pubs.acs.org-images-pubmed-acspubs.jpg Related Articles Magic-Angle-Spinning NMR Techniques for Measuring Long-Range Distances in Biological Macromolecules.
Acc Chem Res. 2013 Feb 7;
Authors: Hong M, Schmidt-Rohr K
The determination of molecular structures using solid-state NMR spectroscopy requires distance measurement through nuclear-spin dipole-dipole couplings....
Journal club
02-09-2013 12:18 AM
[NMR paper] A straightforward method for stereospecific assignment of val and leu prochiral methyl groups by solid-state NMR: Scrambling in the [2-(13)C]Glucose labeling scheme.
A straightforward method for stereospecific assignment of val and leu prochiral methyl groups by solid-state NMR: Scrambling in the Glucose labeling scheme.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--linkinghub.elsevier.com-ihub-images-PubMedLink.gif Related Articles A straightforward method for stereospecific assignment of val and leu prochiral methyl groups by solid-state NMR: Scrambling in the Glucose labeling scheme.
J Magn Reson. 2013 Jan 4;228C:45-49
Authors: Lv G, Faßhuber HK, Loquet A, Demers JP, Vijayan V, Giller K, Becker S, Lange A
Journal club
02-03-2013 10:19 AM
A straightforward method for stereospecific assignment of val and leu prochiral methyl groups by solid-state NMR: Scrambling in the [2-13C]Glucose labeling scheme
A straightforward method for stereospecific assignment of val and leu prochiral methyl groups by solid-state NMR: Scrambling in the Glucose labeling scheme
Available online 4 January 2013
Publication year: 2013
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
The unambiguous stereospecific assignment of the prochiral methyl groups in Val and Leu plays an important role in the structural investigation of proteins by NMR. Here, we present a straightforward method for their stereospecific solid-state NMR assignment based on Glucose (Glc) as the sole carbon source during...
Journal club
01-08-2013 09:23 AM
Origin and removal of mixed-phase artifacts in gradient sensitivity enhanced heteronuclear single quantum correlation spectra
Origin and removal of mixed-phase artifacts in gradient sensitivity enhanced heteronuclear single quantum correlation spectra
Abstract Here we describe phasing anomalies observed in gradient sensitivity enhanced 15N-1H HSQC spectra, and analyze their origin. It is shown that, as a result of 15N off-resonance effects, dispersive contributions to the 1H signal become detectable, and lead to 15N-offset dependent phase errors. Strategies that effectively suppress these artifacts are presented.
Content Type Journal Article
Category Article
Pages 199-207
Journal club
09-30-2011 08:01 PM
Signal enhancement for the sensitivity-limited solid state NMR experiments using a continuous, non-uniform acquisition scheme.
Signal enhancement for the sensitivity-limited solid state NMR experiments using a continuous, non-uniform acquisition scheme.
Signal enhancement for the sensitivity-limited solid state NMR experiments using a continuous, non-uniform acquisition scheme.
J Magn Reson. 2011 Aug 30;
Authors: Qiang W
We describe a sampling scheme for the two-dimensional (2D) solid state NMR experiments, which can be readily applied to the sensitivity-limited samples. The sampling scheme utilizes continuous, non-uniform sampling profile for the...
Journal club
09-21-2011 03:31 PM
[NMR paper] Characterisation by triple-quantum filtered 17O-NMR of water molecules buried in lyso
Characterisation by triple-quantum filtered 17O-NMR of water molecules buried in lysozyme and trapped in a lysozyme-inhibitor complex.
Related Articles Characterisation by triple-quantum filtered 17O-NMR of water molecules buried in lysozyme and trapped in a lysozyme-inhibitor complex.
Biophys Chem. 1999 Mar 29;77(2-3):111-21
Authors: Baguet E, Hennebert N
Triple-quantum filtering NMR sequences were used to study the multiexponential relaxation behaviour of H2 17O in the presence of hen egg white lysozyme. By this means, the fraction and the...