[NMR paper] Application of virus-like particles (VLP) to NMR characterization of viral membrane protein interactions.
Application of virus-like particles (VLP) to NMR characterization of viral membrane protein interactions.
Application of virus-like particles (VLP) to NMR characterization of viral membrane protein interactions.
J Biomol NMR. 2016 Feb 26;
Authors: Antanasijevic A, Kingsley C, Basu A, Bowlin TL, Rong L, Caffrey M
The membrane proteins of viruses play critical roles in the virus life cycle and are attractive targets for therapeutic intervention. Virus-like particles (VLP) present the possibility to study the biochemical...
[NMR paper] Membrane Curvature Modulation of Protein Activity Determined by NMR.
Membrane Curvature Modulation of Protein Activity Determined by NMR.
Related Articles Membrane Curvature Modulation of Protein Activity Determined by NMR.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014 May 13;
Authors: Epand RM, D'Souza K, Berno B, Schlame M
In addition to specific intermolecular interactions, biological processes at membranes are also modulated by the physical properties of the membrane. One of these properties is membrane curvature. NMR methods are useful for studying how membrane curvature affects the binding and...
Journal club
05-20-2014 11:10 PM
Membrane Curvature Modulation of Protein Activity Determined by NMR
Membrane Curvature Modulation of Protein Activity Determined by NMR
Publication date: Available online 13 May 2014
Source:Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes</br>
Author(s): Richard M. Epand , Kenneth D’Souza , Bob Berno , Michael Schlame</br>
In addition to specific intermolecular interactions, biological processes at membranes are also modulated by the physical properties of the membrane. One of these properties is membrane curvature. NMR methods are useful for studying how membrane curvature affects the binding and insertion of proteins into...
Journal club
05-14-2014 04:50 AM
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking
UK scientists have used NMR for the first time to develop a 3D picture of a herpes virus protein interacting with a key part of the human cellular machinery. The study improves our understanding of how the virus hijacks human cells and could eventually lead to new targets for drug therapy.
Source: Spectroscopynow.com
01-15-2011 02:09 AM
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking - spectroscopyNOW.com
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking - spectroscopyNOW.com
<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />
Herpes 3D: NMR reveals viral protein hijacking
UK scientists have used solution-state NMR spectroscopy for the first time to develop a 3D picture of a herpes virus protein interacting with a key part of ...
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Online News
01-15-2011 02:09 AM
[NMR paper] NMR assignment of the apo and peptide-bound SH2 domain from the Rous sarcoma viral protein Src.
NMR assignment of the apo and peptide-bound SH2 domain from the Rous sarcoma viral protein Src.
Related Articles NMR assignment of the apo and peptide-bound SH2 domain from the Rous sarcoma viral protein Src.
J Biomol NMR. 2005 Aug;32(4):339
Authors: Taylor JD, Fawaz RR, Ababou A, Williams MA, Ladbury JE
Journal club
12-01-2010 06:56 PM
[NMR paper] NMR studies of a viral protein that mimics the regulators of complement activation.
NMR studies of a viral protein that mimics the regulators of complement activation.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/query/egifs/http:--linkinghub.elsevier.com-ihub-images-PubMedLink.gif Related Articles NMR studies of a viral protein that mimics the regulators of complement activation.
J Mol Biol. 1997 Sep 19;272(2):253-65
Authors: Wiles AP, Shaw G, Bright J, Perczel A, Campbell ID, Barlow PN
Vaccinia virus complement control protein (VCP) is a 243-residue protein that is similar in sequence to the regulators of complement activation; its...