CryoEM Structure Refinement by Integrating NMR Chemical Shifts with Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Related Articles CryoEM Structure Refinement by Integrating NMR Chemical Shifts with Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
J Phys Chem B. 2017 Feb 09;:
Authors: Perilla JR, Zhao G, Lu M, Ning J, Hou G, Byeon IL, Gronenborn AM, Polenova T, Zhang P
Single particle cryoEM has emerged as a powerful method for structure determination of proteins and complexes, complementing X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. Yet, for many systems, the resolution of cryoEM density map has been limited to 4-6 Å, which only allows for resolving bulky amino acids side chains, thus hindering accurate model building from the density map. On the other hand, experimental chemical shifts (CS) from solution and solid state MAS NMR spectra provide atomic level data for each amino acid within a molecule or a complex; however, structure determination of large complexes and assemblies based on NMR data alone remains challenging. Here we present a novel integrated strategy to combine the highly complementary experimental data from cryoEM and NMR computationally by molecular dynamics simulations to derive an atomistic model, which is not attainable by either approach alone. We use the HIV-1 capsid protein (CA) C-terminal domain as well as the large capsid assembly to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, termed NMR CS-biased cryoEM structure refinement.
PMID: 28181439 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]