Related ArticlesCooperativity of a protein folding reaction probed at multiple chain positions by real-time 2D NMR spectroscopy.
Biochemistry. 2000 Jul 11;39(27):7910-9
Authors: Steegborn C, Schneider-Hassloff H, Zeeb M, Balbach J
The refolding reaction of S54G/P55N ribonuclease T1 is a two-step process, where fast formation of a partly folded intermediate is followed by the slow reaction to the native state, limited by a trans --> cis isomerization of Pro39. The hydrodynamic radius of this kinetic folding intermediate was determined by real-time diffusion NMR spectroscopy. Its folding to the native state was monitored by a series of 128 very fast 2D (15)N-HMQC spectra, to observe the kinetics of 66 individual backbone amide probes. We find that the intermediate is as compact as the native protein with many native chemical shifts. All 66 analyzed amide probes follow the rate-limiting prolyl isomerization, which indicates that this cooperative refolding reaction is fully synchronized. The stability of the folding intermediate was determined from the protection factors of 45 amide protons derived from a competition between refolding and H/D exchange. The intermediate has already gained 40% of the Gibbs free energy of refolding with many protected amides in not-yet-native regions.
Estimating side-chain order in methyl-protonated, perdeuterated proteins via multiple-quantum relaxation violated coherence transfer NMR spectroscopy
Estimating side-chain order in methyl-protonated, perdeuterated proteins via multiple-quantum relaxation violated coherence transfer NMR spectroscopy
Abstract Relaxation violated coherence transfer NMR spectroscopy (Tugarinov et al. in J Am Chem Soc 129:1743â??1750, 2007) is an established experimental tool for quantitative estimation of the amplitudes of side-chain motions in methyl-protonated, highly deuterated proteins. Relaxation violated coherence transfer experiments monitor the build-up of methyl proton multiple-quantum coherences that can be created in magnetically equivalent...
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: Propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra
Re: Propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra
If you are building individual peak tables for each plane of a 2D relaxation series, there's probably a better way to do the analysis. Have a look at the
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
08-23-2011 05:31 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra
Propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra
Hello, Is it possible in NMRPipe to: 1. Generate a peak table for a new spectrum using the resonance positions in an existing peak table? 2. Update the peak
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
08-22-2011 05:26 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] NMRPipe: propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra
NMRPipe: propagating resonance positions to multiple spectra
Is it possible in NMRPipe to:
Generate a peak table for a new spectrum using the resonance positions in an existing peak table?
Update the peak intensities in the existing peak table from the current spectrum?
I have a set of relaxation data, and currently to obtain peak heights at different delays I have to manually define the peaks in all HSQCs, which is rather time consuming. Furthermore, if I decide to re-process the spectra, the previously generated peak tables are useless, as the peak heights are read from...
News from other NMR forums
08-22-2011 05:22 AM
[NMR paper] What contributions to protein side-chain dynamics are probed by NMR experiments? A mo
What contributions to protein side-chain dynamics are probed by NMR experiments? A molecular dynamics simulation analysis.
Related Articles What contributions to protein side-chain dynamics are probed by NMR experiments? A molecular dynamics simulation analysis.
J Mol Biol. 2005 May 27;349(1):185-203
Authors: Best RB, Clarke J, Karplus M
Molecular dynamics simulations of the structurally homologous proteins TNfn3 and FNfn10 have been used to investigate the contributions to side-chain dynamics measured by NMR relaxation experiments. The...
Journal club
11-24-2010 11:14 PM
[NMR paper] Folding, conformational changes, and dynamics of cytochromes C probed by NMR spectros
Folding, conformational changes, and dynamics of cytochromes C probed by NMR spectroscopy.
Related Articles Folding, conformational changes, and dynamics of cytochromes C probed by NMR spectroscopy.
Inorg Chem. 2004 Dec 13;43(25):7934-44
Authors: Bren KL, Kellogg JA, Kaur R, Wen X
NMR spectroscopy has become a vital tool for studies of protein conformational changes and dynamics. Oxidized Fe(III)cytochromes c are a particularly attractive target for NMR analysis because their paramagnetism (S = (1)/(2)) leads to high (1)H chemical shift...