Peptides are an important class of biomolecules that perform many physiological functions and which occupy a significant and increasing share of the pharmaceutical market. Methods to determine the solid-state structures of peptides in different environments are important to help understand their biological functions and to aid the development of drug formulations. Here, a new magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) approach is described for the structural...
[NMR paper] 3D 14N/1H Double Quantum/1H Single Quantum Correlation Solid-State NMR for Probing Parallel and Anti-Parallel Beta-Sheet Arrangement of Oligo-Peptides at Natural Abundance.
3D 14N/1H Double Quantum/1H Single Quantum Correlation Solid-State NMR for Probing Parallel and Anti-Parallel Beta-Sheet Arrangement of Oligo-Peptides at Natural Abundance.
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Determination of accurate resonance assignments from multidimensional chemical shift correlation spectra is one of the major problems in...
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A large geometric distortion in the first photointermediate of rhodopsin, determined by double-quantum solid-state NMR
A large geometric distortion in the first photointermediate of rhodopsin, determined by double-quantum solid-state NMR
Abstract Double-quantum magic-angle-spinning NMR experiments were performed on 11,12-13C2-retinylidene-rhodopsin under illumination at low temperature, in order to characterize torsional angle changes at the C11-C12 photoisomerization site. The sample was illuminated in the NMR rotor at low temperature (~120 K) in order to trap the primary photointermediate, bathorhodopsin. The NMR data are consistent with a strong torsional twist of the HCCH moiety at the...
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Understanding of the effects of intermolecular interactions, molecular dynamics, and sample preparation on high-resolution magic-angle spinning NMR data is currently limited. Using the example of a uniformly -labeled sample of ubiquitin, we discuss solid-state NMR methods tailored to the...
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Annu Rev Phys Chem. 2003;54:531-71
Authors: Drobny GP, Long JR, Karlsson T, Shaw W, Popham J, Oyler N, Bower P, Stringer J, Gregory D, Mehta M, Stayton PS
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J Magn Reson. 1999 Jan;136(1):86-91
Authors: Hong M
A technique for obtaining dipolar-mediated INADEQUATE NMR spectra with a large spectral window in the double-quantum dimension is presented. Using the dipolar recoupling sequence C7 to excite the double-quantum coherence under magic-angle spinning, the technique involves incrementing the...
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Aug 5;94(16):8551-6