An ensemble dynamics approach to decipher solid-sate NMR observables of membrane proteins.
An ensemble dynamics approach to decipher solid-sate NMR observables of membrane proteins.
An ensemble dynamics approach to decipher solid-sate NMR observables of membrane proteins.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Aug 8;
Authors: Im W, Jo S, Kim T
Solid-state NMR (SSNMR) is an invaluable tool for determining orientations of membrane proteins and peptides in lipid bilayers. Such orientational descriptions provide essential information about membrane protein functions. However, when a semi-static single conformer model is used to...
Journal club
08-25-2011 07:04 AM
Architecture of the high mobility group nucleosomal protein 2-nucleosome complex as revealed by methyl-based NMR [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
Architecture of the high mobility group nucleosomal protein 2-nucleosome complex as revealed by methyl-based NMR
Kato, H., van Ingen, H., Zhou, B.-R., Feng, H., Bustin, M., Kay, L. E., Bai, Y....
Date: 2011-07-26
Chromatin structure and function are regulated by numerous proteins through specific binding to nucleosomes. The structural basis of many of these interactions is unknown, as in the case of the high mobility group nucleosomal (HMGN) protein family that regulates various chromatin functions, including transcription. Here, we report the architecture of the HMGN2-nucleosome...
Journal club
07-26-2011 11:22 PM
Solid-state 2H NMR relaxation illuminates functional dynamics of retinal cofactor in membrane activation of rhodopsin [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
Solid-state 2H NMR relaxation illuminates functional dynamics of retinal cofactor in membrane activation of rhodopsin
Struts, A. V., Salgado, G. F. J., Brown, M. F....
Date: 2011-05-17
Rhodopsin is a canonical member of the family of G protein-coupled receptors, which transmit signals across cellular membranes and are linked to many drug interventions in humans. Here we show that solid-state 2H NMR relaxation allows investigation of light-induced changes in local ps–ns time scale motions of retinal bound to rhodopsin. Site-specific 2H labels were introduced into methyl groups of the...
Journal club
05-17-2011 08:40 PM
[NMR paper] Solid-state NMR spectroscopic studies of an integral membrane protein inserted into a
Solid-state NMR spectroscopic studies of an integral membrane protein inserted into aligned phospholipid bilayer nanotube arrays.
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J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Aug 11;126(31):9504-5
Authors: Lorigan GA, Dave PC, Tiburu EK, Damodaran K, Abu-Baker S, Karp ES, Gibbons WJ, Minto RE
This communication demonstrates for the first time that solid-state NMR spectroscopic studies can be used to investigate aligned...
Journal club
11-24-2010 10:01 PM
[NMR paper] Membrane protein NMR studies.
Membrane protein NMR studies.
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Methods Mol Biol. 2003;227:307-20
Authors: Opella SJ
Journal club
11-24-2010 09:01 PM
[NMR paper] 13C-NMR studies of membrane lipid-protein interactions upon protein heat denaturation
13C-NMR studies of membrane lipid-protein interactions upon protein heat denaturation.
Related Articles 13C-NMR studies of membrane lipid-protein interactions upon protein heat denaturation.
J Biochem Biophys Methods. 1991 Oct-Nov;23(3):259-61
Authors: YashRoy RC
Spinach chloroplast membranes were studied by natural abundance carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR) spectroscopy in their normal state and after heat denaturation of membrane proteins. The membrane proteins were denatured by raising the temperature of the sample to 67...
Journal club
08-21-2010 11:12 PM
[NMR paper] 13C-NMR studies of membrane lipid-protein interactions upon protein heat denaturation
13C-NMR studies of membrane lipid-protein interactions upon protein heat denaturation.
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J Biochem Biophys Methods. 1991 Oct-Nov;23(3):259-61
Authors: YashRoy RC
Spinach chloroplast membranes were studied by natural abundance carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR) spectroscopy in their normal state and after heat denaturation of membrane proteins. The membrane proteins were denatured by raising the temperature of the sample to 67...
Journal club
08-21-2010 11:12 PM
Robust structure-based resonance assignment for functional protein studies by NMR
Abstract High-throughput functional protein NMR studies, like protein interactions or dynamics, require an automated approach for the assignment of the protein backbone. With the availability of a growing number of protein 3D structures, a new class of automated approaches, called structure-based assignment, has been developed quite recently. Structure-based approaches use primarily NMR input data that are not based on J-coupling and for which connections between residues are not limited by through bonds magnetization transfer efficiency. We present here a robust structure-based assignment...