[NMR paper] Palladium in the Chemical Synthesis and Modification of Proteins
Palladium in the Chemical Synthesis and Modification of Proteins
The field of site-specific modification of proteins has drawn significant attention in recent years owing to its importance in various research areas such as the development of novel therapeutics and understanding the biochemical and cellular behaviors of proteins. The presence of a large number of reactive functional groups in the protein of interest and in the cellular environment renders modification at a specific site a highly challenging task. With the development of sophisticated chemical methodologies it is now...
Journal club
08-07-2017 07:31 PM
[NMR paper] Bioconjugation of proteins with a paramagnetic NMR and fluorescent tag.
Bioconjugation of proteins with a paramagnetic NMR and fluorescent tag.
Related Articles Bioconjugation of proteins with a paramagnetic NMR and fluorescent tag.
Chemistry. 2013 Dec 9;19(50):17141-9
Authors: Huang F, Pei YY, Zuo HH, Chen JL, Yang Y, Su XC
Site-specific labeling of proteins with lanthanide ions offers great opportunities for investigating the structure, function, and dynamics of proteins by virtue of the unique properties of lanthanides. Lanthanide-tagged proteins can be studied by NMR, X-ray, fluorescence, and EPR...